
12 Tips to Build an Effective Business Website Design in 2023

 Did you know 50% of consumers believe that a website design plays a crucial role in maintaining a brand or business reputation? Besides, 75% of people form their opinion about a website based on its design.

So, whether you own a garment store, cosmetic shop or any other small business, a great website significantly contributes to your business success. Choosing a professional and certified web design agency in Chicago is imperative, as only expert web designers can create a website focusing on ongoing trends and strategies.

With fierce competition online, creating a simple website is not enough. Your website requires effective tips and strategies to stand out from the crowd and be responsive to potential customers.

  • Pay attention to website structure and make it responsive, easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. Moreover, make sure your website is organized neatly with plenty of space.
  • Add relevant, user-friendly, and informative content to your website. Moreover, update it frequently according to the latest updates.
  • Your website should be easy-to-find for potential customers with a custom domain and good search engine optimization (SEO).

Hiring an expert web design company in Chicago, IL, is essential, but some other factors require proper consideration too.

So, looking for some practical ways to design an effective website for your online business progression?

The current discussion highlights website design tips to make your business website look great online.

Web Design Tips to Grow Your Business Online in 2023

Here are our key suggestions to grow your business online.

  1. Create Mobile Responsive Website

If you genuinely intend to create an effective website, give key preference to mobile responsiveness. Interestingly, 70% of smartphone owners use their mobile for online shopping (Source: CNBC).

Hence, it is obvious that your business’s mobile website must be responsive and offer a positive user experience.

If potential customers land on your website but find navigating on their mobile devices challenging, they will abandon your website and move to competitors. Additionally, a negative mobile user experience can affect your website ranking adversely by making it difficult for users to find your website on Google’s top pages.

  • Make Your Website Searchable

Always choose a domain name according to your company’s name, or it should describe your business somehow. You can have more than one domain to point to your website. It means that your website requires proper technical SEO (including keyword research, paid campaigns, and content marketing) to drive maximum traffic to your website.

Pro Tip: Always hire an expert Chicago web design agency for branding, SEO, content marketing and website designing, as they can better guide you in designing a website according to your business type and targeted audience.

So, create a website users can search for easily.

  • Remove Distractions and Decrease Friction

Adding irrelevant images on your website can detract visitors from your business values or the message your website is trying to convey. For instance, try not to add long content, detailed images, and stocky images on your website, as they are all worthless.

Usually, the audience’s attention span is 8 to 10 seconds. Therefore, adding relevant information to your website is essential, and its design should not divert them.

You must follow consistent brand guidance as they can work magically for your website if implemented properly. This should focus on font size, colors, style, iconography, and logo design.

Pro Tip: Don’t add too many page interactions and animations on your website; adding maximum animations on your web pages can disturb and confuse users.

Keep your website simple and neat for the users; irrelevant information can distract them.

  • Display a Clear and Prominent Description of Your Business

You must inform people about your business and the products/services you offer when they visit your website without any confusion. Ensure your website’s homepage banner (AKA hero image) and subsequent images visually represent your business or brand.

Moreover, don’t forget to add introductory text that blurbs near the page’s top and describes everything about your business type.

Lastly, ensure your main and footer navigation menus have an ‘About Us’ link easily accessible to everyone. It will help people to click on the links and learn more about your business without any ambiguity.

  • Keep Your Pages Organized

It is important to note that readers must put the information in context. A site with too much information confuses readers and makes it challenging to retain the latest information.

Therefore, your website page should balance graphics and content. Besides, it should be eye-catchy and neat for the readers.

Pro Tip: One of the best ways to keep your site simple is to cut social widgets. For instance, adding a Twitter feed on your website is not essential.

 Always add relevant information to your website and remove unneeded content.

  • Add Accurate Information

No denying that inaccurate information can turn off your customers and make your website unreliable. Whether it’s a grammatical error, outdated information, or incorrect contact details, make sure you have rechecked everything and corrected it before your website goes live.

Also, periodically check each page after adding the latest information to make sure it’s accurate and ideally meets all your business requirements.

Pro Tip: Whenever you update business information on your website, make sure you update your social media pages, yelp, and other pages where your business might appear.

Hence, never overlook the importance of adding relevant information to your website and social media pages.

  • Website Speed Matters

Your website speed matters the most. According to research findings by Portent, 2019, your website conversion drops by an average of 4.42% with each additional second of load time. Moreover, load time also affects the purchase decisions of more than 70% of shoppers.

Therefore, your website should run smoothly, and images must be downloaded immediately.

  • Add Call-to-Action

Each web page of a website should entice readers to do something or take some action. In other words, you need to add a call-to-action for the users. Always add CTAs (Call to Action) in each landing page as such CTAs encourage users to take certain actions, including downloading a white paper, subscribing to your newsletter, or buying a particular product.

Always give them many invitations to take some action. For instance, a button, link, or clear verbiage.

Pro Tip: Add call-to-action at the most prominent place so users don’t scroll down to find call-to-action.

If CTAs are not at the obvious place, visitors can abandon your website and move to competitors.

  • Regularly Add and Publish Quality Content

Both content quality and its freshness are essential to search engines. Therefore, create a proper content plan to publish blogs or articles on your website. If you want to rank your website high on search engines’ top or desire to attract maximum customers with your content, add relevant content and update it frequently.

Along with static page content, it is always an amazing idea to add testimonials on your web pages to make your website look more appealing to customers and visitors. Therefore, request your customers for testimonials and add them to your website. It will make your website content fresh and interesting. Besides, it will make your business more reliable for the customers.

  1. Keep Your Website’s Design Simple

Don’t overload your website with GIFs, images, or unappealing fonts, as they can distract users and divert their eyes from their ultimate objective of visiting your website. Always add precise information in bullet points, making it easy to read and scannable for the readers.

It is more important when you want to create a responsive and mobile-friendly website. Google ranks a responsive website on top pages and appears on search engine result pages (SERPs).

  1. Incorporate the Most Suitable SEO Practices

You may have a big website industry, but it is useless if customers can’t find it online. While you spend money on ad campaigns, incorporate the most suitable SEO practices to generate maximum long-run traffic.

  1. Implement a Proper Website Maintenance Plan

Don’t create a website if you want it to grow stale. If you want your website to rank high on search engines and doesn’t get hacked, try to create a proper website maintenance plan.

Here’s what you can do while creating a website maintenance plan;

  • Find trendy ways to promote your business online.
  • Allow your website users to provide feedback about your products/services.
  • Keep an eye on competitors’ websites and follow the latest trends they are following too.
  • Create your website backup to avoid any inconvenience.

Briefly, your website maintenance plan is imperative to keep your website updated. You can get assistance from a professional website maintenance company in Chicago as they can maintain your website professionally.

Bottom Line

The discussion mentioned above has made it apparent that creating a website for your business is not simple. Nevertheless, implementing the earlier tips can help you create a user-friendly, responsive, easy-to-navigate website.

Also, choosing expert web designers in Chicago, IL, is equally important to achieve this objective.

Richard Maxwell

For Any Inquiry Contact Us Here :- [email protected]

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