
5 Effective Fish Table Game Strategies

Many casino experts believe that online arcades are the future of gambling. They are distinguished by exciting gameplay, high-quality design, and various choices, which attract thousands of players worldwide to the casino platform.

However, to successfully play in arcade casinos, including fish tables, players need to know the rules of the game, have a quick reaction, and have an analytical mind. But the essential thing in the game of fish tables is not the common knowledge of the rules but the construction of an effective strategy that will help you increase your chances of success and big winnings.

In this article, we will look at the crucial stages of playing fish tables, elements that you should pay attention to, and mistakes that you should not make while playing these arcades.

What are the fish table rules you should know?

First of all, you should know the foundation of the game of fish tables, which consists of several elements:

  1. Fish tables is a panel in the style of the underwater world;
  2. The main objects in the game are fish, which you will have to shoot. Each fish you shoot gives you points, usually from 1 to 100 points;
  3. To shoot a fish, you will need to select a certain number of bullets and, in some cases, a specific type of weapon;
  4. The game is a group game, usually up to 10 people play in one round. The player with the most points wins the round. After the round, the winner has the right to exchange points for cash prizes and transfer money to his account;
  5. The game has a bonus system, unlike classic casino games. To receive the bonus, you need to kill the bonus fish. However, first of all you need to find the best casino for the fish games;
  6. To increase your chances of success, you need to effectively manage your time, bullets and know which fish you need to kill at a certain point in the gameplay. Below we will give you in-depth information on how to hone your fish tables strategy.

1. Don’t only aim at big fish

One of the biggest mistakes newcomers to fish tables make is that they only try to kill big fish. The whole reason is that big fish give the most points. However, large fish are the hardest to kill at the same time. If you are short on time and bullets, then shooting big fish is ineffective and wastes valuable time. In such cases, you should pay attention to small fish, which give fewer points, but they are easier and faster to kill. You only need to aim at large fish if you have enough bullets and time to do so.

2. Choose the right bullets and weapons.

In some fish tables, players have several types of bullets to choose from. The difference between these bullets is significant, as some types of bullets are designed for small fish, and their power is not enough to shoot large fish. These bullets are usually faster but have a common effect. On the other hand, bullets for larger fish are slower but more effective. Bullets and weapons not chosen can be a huge mistake and a waste of time and money;

3. Don’t aim for hidden fish

Many fish tables have very generous fish that give a lot of points regardless of their size. However, these fish skillfully hide behind seaweed or a treasure chest. Despite their generosity, killing these fish is extremely difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to these fish only if you have a lot of time or if someone has already shot this fish before you. This way, you need fewer bullets to kill the hidden fish.

4. Pay attention to how many bullets the fish requires

Other players could have shot some fish before you. That is especially true for large fish. If you have a few bullets, you should pay attention to how many shots this fish requires. Sometimes, you only need a few bullets to shoot a large fish since other players have shot at this fish before you.

5. Pay attention to the speed of the fish.

The speed of the fish is a significant indicator that you must take into account during the gameplay. The higher the speed, the fewer points it will bring you. Thus, large fish are slower than small ones but still score more points. Therefore, when choosing a bullet and target, you should pay attention to the speed of the fish.


If you want to be successful at fish tables and maximize your winnings, you must build an effective strategy for the game. To do this, you need to pay attention to criteria such as:

  1. Size and fish;
  2. The number of bullets, type of weapon;
  3. Correct time management;
  4. The number of points given by the fish;
  5. Bonus game offers.

When building your strategy, your fortune will smile at you if you take these points into account!

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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