5 Letter Word Starting With Cre 5 Letter Word Beginning With Cre

This article provides all details concerning 5 Word Starting With Cre as well their meanings.
Do you like to play Wordle and Scramble? Do you struggle to find new words in these games? You are not alone. The United States and India love new words.
This article includes all the words that can be used with Cre, as well as their meanings. They have been collected from various sources in order to give you complete notes on new words. Continue reading and you will find a new list 5 Letter Words Starting with Cre.
All 5 letters starting with CRE
- Creak is a loud, harsh sound that occurs when an item or a pattern is being shifted, or tension or weight is applied.
- Credo- Proclamation of the principles and endeavors that are responsible for someone’s prosecution.
- Creed is a belief system or faith based upon religious beliefs
- Creek- is a term that describes a biological torrent of water, which is normally more fresh than and often tributary from a stream.
- Creel – A huge creeper basket used to carry fish or a frame that grips bobbins/spools while whirling.
5 Letter Word Beginning With Cre
- Creep means to move slowly, without making any noise, in order to avoid being heard or noticed.
- Creates- An indigenous species component living in large areas of Canada or the Algonquian dialect of the creed. It is almost identical to Montagnais, which has about 60,000 orators.
- Crema- This is a brownish froth, which sits on top of freshly made espresso coffee.
- Creme is a product/substance with a creamy, thick consistency.
- Creams are the yellowish-white milk part containing butterfat.
- You can read on to find out the meanings and origins of 5 Letter Word Beginning With Cre .
- Crane- An enormous, long machine that is used for lifting heavy objects by dragging them along a shaft or projecting extension.
- Creon- Creon is an iconic sculpture in Greek mythology that is most famous for being the leader of Thebes, according to Oedipus’ myth.
- Crepe- A thin pancake or thin light material that has wrinkled edges.
- Crepy is a crepe-like texture.
- Cresc- An incremental boost in sound or the melody of an emblem or orientation demonstrating it.
- Crewe- Crewe is an English railroad city and social municipality in the unitary administration Cheshire East.
- Last 5 Word Beginning With Cre,
- Crews – personnel, staff, or team.
Note – All word lists created from internet research have been
Final Verdict
This article includes all 5 CRE words and their meanings, based on research done through different online platforms. These words can be used to compete with friends in word games like scramble and wordle.
You can click here to learn more about the words that start with Cre.
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