
5 Traffic Laws Every Motorcyclist Needs to Know

Riding a motorcycle can be one of the most exhilarating experiences. The freedom of the open road, the wind in your hair, and the adrenaline rush can make you feel alive like nothing else.

However, along with the thrill comes the risk of danger. As a motorcyclist, you’re exposed to greater risks than those driving a car, and it’s important to take the necessary precautions to stay safe on the road.

That is where traffic laws come into play. Knowing and following these laws can differentiate between a safe and enjoyable ride and a life-changing accident.

In this article, we’ll discuss five traffic laws every motorcyclist needs to know to stay safe on the road. So keep reading as we explore more!

1. Wear a Helmet

Wearing a helmet is a basic traffic law that every motorcyclist needs to know. Not only is it the law in most states, but wearing a helmet can prevent serious head injuries in the event of an accident. It’s also important to wear a properly fitting helmet that meets safety standards.

2. Follow Lane-Splitting Laws

Lane-splitting, or riding between lanes of stopped or slow-moving vehicles, is common among motorcyclists. However, the legality of lane-splitting varies from state to state. In some states, it is legal; in others, it is considered illegal or not explicitly allowed.

Therefore, it’s essential to know the laws in your state and follow them accordingly to avoid fines or accidents.

3. Understand Motorcycle-Specific Traffic Laws

In addition to general traffic laws, there are also motorcycle-specific traffic laws that motorcyclists need to be aware of. These laws may include requirements for handlebar height, foot-peg location, or headlight use during the day. Check your state’s motorcycle laws and make sure your bike is compliant.

4. Use Turn Signals and Follow Traffic Signs

Using turn signals and following traffic signs are basic traffic laws that apply to all drivers, including motorcyclists. Failing to use turn signals or follow traffic signs can result in accidents or citations. Therefore, be aware of your surroundings and communicate your intentions to other drivers on the road.

5. Ride Sober

Riding under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not only illegal, but it’s also dangerous. So riding sober is a traffic law and a safety tip that can help prevent motorcycle accidents and keep you and others on the road safe.

Be Prepared in Case of an Accident

Even if you follow all the traffic laws and practice safe driving, motorcycle accidents can still happen. If you’re involved in a motorcycle crash, it’s important to hire a qualified motorcycle accident attorney to help you navigate the legal system.

Here are some motorcycle accident attorney qualities to look for:

  • Experience
  • Knowledge
  • Communication
  • Compassion
  • Results-driven

Following these tips can ensure you’re prepared if an accident occurs.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, following traffic laws is crucial for every motorcyclist’s safety. Wearing a helmet, knowing specific motorcycle laws, using turn signals and following traffic signs, and riding sober are just a few examples of how motorcyclists can stay safe on the road.

Even with the most diligent precautions, motorcycle accidents can still occur. In the event of an accident, it’s essential to have a qualified and experienced motorcycle accident attorney on your side.

Remember, your safety is always top priority when riding a motorcycle. Stay safe on the road and enjoy the ride.

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Richard Maxwell

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