Home Improvement

5 Trending And Durable Roof Shingles To Use In 2023

It goes without saying that the roof is the most essential part of the house. That is why we are always surprised when people don’t take the time to look at the quality of products they use on their roofs. Those are not mistakes you should be making in 2023. Fortunately, we are here to guide you on the right path.

At present, roofing shingles should be the priority when making an investment in roofing material. Not only do they add beauty and function, but also offer reliable protection. They certainly give true meaning to having a roof over your head.

Though not all roof shingles will do the trick for you, you should select those which offer maximum durability to truly enjoy the experience. Finding the most durable option can be challenging. But we are here to help.

Why Should You Use Roof Shingles

Before we cover the different types of roof shingles you can try for your house, we need to discuss why getting a roof shingle can be the best decision you ever make.

Roof shingles are widely known for their low-cost process of installation. Setting up roof shingles does not require a tasking process. The roofing job can take a surprisingly short time if you work with the best teams. 

Most roof shingles offer the best kind of protection. You can attribute this property to roof shingles having an overlapping structure. That means your roof is virtually waterproof because the overlaps cover any possible gap that often occurs in other roofing materials.

a close up of a rain gutter on a roof

Roof beauty is often the first thing people notice when looking at a house, so investing in high-quality shingles to complement the aesthetic of your house can make an immediate statement about you and its owners. That will also help you flip the house in the twinkle of an eye if you work in real estate.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Roof Shingles

Any decent home developer will tell you that you need to take time to evaluate different types of roof shingles before you settle for one. But what factors should you look at?

You can determine the quality of a roof shingle by looking at its material, general aesthetics, the reputation of the manufacturer, and the cost of every unit. 

We have evaluated all of these factors for you to settle on the following five options as the best ones for your construction needs.

grey roof

The Best Roof Shingles To Use In 2023

1. Timberline HDZ Shingles 

The Timberline HDZ Shingles, manufactured by GAF Roofing, stand at the top of the list regarding the best ones you can use in 2023. These shingles have a light appearance which resembles wooden panels. But this light appearance should not fool you. These roof shingles have extremely durable fiberglass material, making them excellent for all kinds of houses.

If you are worried about whether the roof will serve you for as long as you need it to, then you can take solace in the warranties the manufacturers provide. The company guarantees a 25-year protection from algae and 15-year protection from wind. 

You can certainly count on them! 

2. Owens Corning’s Three-Tab Supreme Shingles

If savings are important, you should consider getting the Owens Corning Three-Tab Supreme Shingles. These shingles are made of asphalt to increase their durability and protection from algae and heavy wind. You can choose from their deep catalog of colors to find one that matches your house, and they won’t disappoint.

3. Crowne Slate Collection Shingles

Most people underestimate the effectiveness of the Crowne Slate Collection Shingles. You should not make that same mistake.

The Crowne Slate Collection shingles provide one of the most illustrious looks you could ever expect from a roofing material. These shingles are guaranteed to give your house that high-end look you have been hoping for without putting a dent in your pocket. Even better, most of the shingles in this category are lightweight. That means your construction team will have a hoot installing them.

4. Windsor Scotchgard Shingles

Malarkey Roofing Products is an exceptional company offering consistent results when making roofing materials. That is why you should try out their eccentric and life-changing Windsor Scotchgard shingles. These shingles are entirely durable and perform better than most other models.

They also offer a lifetime guarantee that your shingles will never catch algae!

While their color selection is limited, you can expect to find all the common colors you want to put on your house. So that should not be a problem.

brown roof tiles

5. Royal Sovereign Shingles

Royal Sovereign Shingles are yet another excellent selection from the team at GAF. These roofs offer a combination of unmatched fire resistance and wind and algae protection. They also use proprietary technology to keep your color strong for as long as possible. Even better, they are a sustainable option! What more do you expect?

Bottom Line

Roofing shingles offer the best protection and convenience when roofing your home. But you should only work with the best selections if you want long-term results. If you have been looking for a roof that puts the shine in shingle, then look no further than the list above!

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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