
8 Business Investments That Help With Personal Growth

As your business grows, you will want to grow along with it, to keep pace. If you stay stagnant, it won’t be long before your business suffers the consequences of that stagnation.

What can you do to assuage this situation? Well, there are many business investments you can make that will boost your personal growth goals as well.

It’s a win-win situation. Keep reading to find out what these various avenues are, so you can incorporate them into your calendar year.

1. Reading Books

Don’t forget to saturate your mind with knowledge, more and more as time passes by. Just because you are successful now doesn’t mean that success will stick with you, if you stop learning.

The world is changing so fast all the time, so you will want to keep up with that change by reading books from experts and letting all knowledge permeate through you and informing your decisions.

There are hundreds of books out there, so you will want to be discerning in what you choose. Don’t read just for the sake of reading, but have a purpose in mind every time you pick up a book.

Think about what skill or talent you wish to grow and read a book on that particular trait.

2. Attend a Seminar or Workshop

You need to invest in yourself and your business if you wish to grow. And that means using the knowledge of experts.

Seminars and workshops are great because they are a step higher than reading books. You are in the room with the expert who has culled thousands of hours of information into bite sized pieces and shares them with you to help you.

It might cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars to attend some of these workshops. But it’s important to think of it as an investment in your future.

You will also meet other skilled and successful individuals at these seminars which is the best kind of networking there is. Learn more about programs like these by doing your own research and speaking to others in your circles who have taken seminars or gone to workshops.

3. Develop Your Public Speaking Skills With Toastmasters

You might already be savvy at speaking in front of a small crowd of people, be it your team members or your employees. But if you wish more people to consider you an expert, you will want to become a better public speaker.

Do this by attending Toastmasters or other such meetings, where you speak to a big crowd of people on a variety of subjects. The better you become at public speaking, the more you will notice your personal and business growth will expand.

4. Become a Mentor to Grow Your Leadership Skills

You learn by teaching others. It’s as simple as that.

Even if you feel like you are already stretched to the max time-wise, you will want to carve out some time to mentor someone else. This will teach you more about yourself than anything else. And it will allow you to give back to this world that has given you so much.

5. Get a Mentor to Help Boost Your Growth

On the other end of the spectrum, you will want to get a mentor for yourself as well, because no matter how successful you are, you can always learn from others.

Even Tiger Woods, the successful professional golfer that he is, has a coach. So who are you to go without one?

Choose carefully because your mentor can lead you to greater heights of success if they are the right match for you.

6. Travel to New Places and Learn From the Businesses There

There are many people who travel to many different places just for the sake of travel. They take selfies in random places and think that they have experienced a new culture by eating the food and walking the parks.

But you know better than that. You want to squeeze every experience in your life and get the best out of it.

When you travel, be it for work or pleasure, you will want to use each experience to learn about the businesses there and apply that knowledge to your own business and life.

7. Take Out Smart Folks for Lunch or Dinner and Learn

You can do this wherever you go. There are smart people everywhere who have learned more about a specific part of the world than you.

It’s easy to take these people out for lunch or even just a coffee and ask them questions about their vocation to learn from them. It doesn’t take a lot out of their day and they get a free meal, so they will probably be willing to do it.

And for you, it can be an enlightening lunch where you learn something that you never thought about before, and transform your business due to it.

8. Become an Empty Cup – Never Get Arrogant

You don’t know it all and you can never know it all. It’s just not possible.

That’s why you surround yourself with experts in the form of colleagues, employees, and friends. But you also want to remember this Zen adage – it’s only when you are empty inside that you can allow new information to flow in.

Arrogance breeds ignorance. If you think you know it all, you won’t try to learn new things.

When you realize you aren’t an expert, that’s when you can allow new information in and learn from the folks around you.

Many Business Investments To Indulge In

Invest in yourself and your business. Learn, grow, and expand.

Business investments of all kinds are going to appear in front of you, but you have to pick the ones that give the greatest gains.

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Richard Maxwell

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