
A Look at the Primary Benefits of Automating Print Workflow

Job automation, regardless of the industry in which a company is based and, indeed, the size and scope of the company, is widely considered to be not only the only logical step forward when looking to expand a business but also the best way to start. So, with that in mind, here is a detailed look at the primary benefits of automating print workflow. 

Print Workflow Automation Unifies Digital & Print Media

Multi-channel communications that incorporate both digital and print media elements are always going to be more effective, especially in the long run, and will always deliver stronger and more profitable business results. 

Not only does print workflow automation bring together digital and print media, but it also incorporates mobile communications, social media platforms, PURLS, and emails, as well as facilitating multi-media campaigns too. 

Print Workflow Automation Improves the Overall Quality of Output

When a business chooses to use print workflow automation as a standard, the overall quality of the work produced improves – and the end result will dramatically improve as well.

Printing is still referred to as a specialized craft, and it is absolutely accurate to say that the completion of a high-quality and timely finished product takes a great deal of skill and knowledge. However, numerous intricate and delicate processes can now be automated to such a standard that it can even improve what the human eye can identify and distinguish. 

Print Workflow Automation is Incredibly Easy to Implement

The simplicity of the implementation of print workflow automation is also an incredible benefit. This is entirely understandable when you think of how sluggish and difficult such processes were to install when they were first developed.

Now, however, in these times, such software is exceedingly easy to not only install and implement but also to maintain, and with the introduction of cloud-based systems and backup networks, this has become even easier than ever before. 

Print Workflow Automation Will Accelerate Turnaround

When it comes to the speed of production on a particular job, reliability is of course the most important element. However, alongside the reliability of processes also comes an impetus to be as fast as possible whilst not negatively affecting the quality of the finished product, and this is where print workflow automation comes into its own. 

To give you an idea of the timescale, a job that could take four hours or more to complete with a manual process can be halved with the employment of print workflow automation. 

Print Workflow Automation Will Eliminate the Majority of Errors

Especially when it comes to high-volume, repetitive tasks, print workflow automation really does come into its own and will always, without exception, make fewer mistakes and errors than human beings would. 

Additionally, the more advanced systems and software packages also sometimes include barcode readers and other impressive error detectors, which can track the progress of a job and alert the client and/or the company that the job is either on track or, indeed, may be delayed.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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