Ace Extensions Inc set for Partnerships with Businesses & Hard Working Individuals Alike

Ace Extensions Inc. is a Faith-Based S-Corp that was founded in the state of California by President Shawn J. Dowe on July 15 2019, exactly one day before his birthday. Ace Extensions Inc believes that strong relationships and building brands with like-minded individuals that are determined to see change in the world are the best persons to do business with.
They already have partnerships with businesses like National Business Capital, Ace Hair Extensions & Co, and have a great interest in Web3.0 and different types of NFT’s after developing their own exclusive collection by collaborating with 2 top artists from overseas plus securing various Binance.US 3 Year Futures Anniversary Master Edition NFTs, a Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 Souvenir NFt and a Kathakali Dancers NFT, which was a special collab from Polygon and Coinbase Wallet.
“I was really surprised to know that the corporation was incorporated by the state the day before my birthday. That was my only birthday gift that year and I am grateful for whomever in the office that got my paperwork approved coincidentally a day before my Bday!”
Ace Extensions Inc would also like to work with persons in various industries such as Artificial Intelligence, Rare Coins & Jewelry, Real Estate, Precious Metals & Gems, Crypto Currency, Fine Art, Commercial Space Travel, and to gain deeper connections within the Hair & Skin Care Industry because of the success that they’ve had with Ace Hair Extensions & Co.
Shawn knows that there are many ways to measure a corporation’s success, but here are the 5 ways he would like Ace Extensions Inc to succeed, and to be measured by. Number 1, Sales! Bringing in just as much as most of the companies in the S&P 500. Number 2, Profits! Having a great net income year over year. Number 3, Share Holder Returns! Possibly having a higher return for our investors than most companies. Number 4, Employee Satisfaction! We would like to be rated as best place to work because of a diverse workforce where team members will have the opportunity to realize their full potential. Number 5, Carbon Footprint! Ace Extensions Inc would always like to have and maintain a low carbon footprint no matter what business sector they are in.
“We think we can all do the world a favor by keeping emissions as low as possible.”
What if this Corporation could really check off all the boxes?
What if with strong connections, determination, and hard work they could really accomplish it all? We guess time will tell!
“Hopes are in my lifetime, and hopefully after I am gone is that the corporation will be known for its philanthropy, being future focused with growth always in mind, helping to cure cancer and other diseases through various donations, and to possibly enter the Guinness Book of World Records by paying the most amount of tithes and offerings to various churches around the globe that a single corporation ever did. I really believe that great things can happen for a person or a company if we really put our minds to it and my mind is already made up…Con Dios Todo Es Posible, With God All Things Are Possible.”