
Adult SEO: 8 Techniques you should add to your Website checklist

What is SEO if you can’t rank that website? But as great as SEO is, adult SEO techniques can be tricky for an average webmaster, especially newbies. Succeeding in this task can be a big achievement: it has a way of commanding huge traffic to the sight. But one of the most difficult tasks (as a marketer) in this process is getting a lucrative traffic source(s). Every webmaster knows how important traffic is in this business; hence, “no traffic or revenue.”

Applying adult SEO techniques, though harder than the basic ones, is one of the best ways to rank on search engines. But it doesn’t just happen; there are processes to it, processes you must adapt to attract more qualified traffic. In recent research, the average organic SEO user is 5 times stronger and higher than the value of a paid SEO, but it all depends on the brand you are promoting. This article lists some of the best adult SEO techniques you can apply to your platform for optimum effect.

8 Adult SEO Techniques to Add to your website Checklist

  1. Keyword Analysis

Keywords are the base at which SEO optimization stands. Call it the soil on which a good SEO grows. In this case, you have to start with analyzing those keywords. A keyword analysis is homework, more like a business plan; there are areas you must identify before pulling it off. One such method is competitor identification. You must know your competitors, if not all, at least the major ones. This will allow you to understand the intensiveness of the competition and then know how intense you will put up to it. Analyzing your keywords will help you pick ones powerful enough to withstand the competition, no matter how intense it is.

  1. Website Structure

This is where you are reminded to build your website with SEO in mind. You must consider SEO in every step of website creation: domain name, hosting and IP Address, website security, coding, robots.txt, sitemap, etc. One of the rules guiding the adult SEO techniques demands that you build your domain name using a simple, relevant name that is easily understandable. Again, make sure the domain name has keywords in it. 

  1. Website Content

In basic SEO, content is king. The same applies to adult SEO: How well your website ranks depends on how well-structured your content is. While developing content for your website, you must consider the following: URL optimization, the hierarchy of the pages, high-quality content, updated content, and valid internal and external links. You also need to optimize your images using image Meta descriptions and Meta tags. And try as much as you can to structure your contents into H1, H2, H3… categories. Doing this helps the search engine algorithm to easily crawl, spot out, and rank them using a stipulated structure.

  1. Backlink 

Backlinking is another way of telling the search engine that you understand the principles of adult SEO techniques. While doing this, you must consider the website quality you are backlinking. The quality of these websites says a lot about your website to search engines. If the website you send out links to have a poor reputation, it may affect your SEO ranking. Part of the things you should also look out for while backlinking are link destination, anchor text, no-follow and do-follow.

  1. SEO Analysis

One important thing about the adult SEO technique is that it deserves close monitoring – Analysis. Analyzing your SEO demands that you study your keywords and their performance, the volume and source of your traffic, and your backlinks. And don’t hesitate to make changes each time you discover that a particular integration is not working as planned.

  1. Reduce Bounce Rate

Bounce rates are the time a visitor spends on your website before leaving. You must try as much as you can to reduce your bounce rate by making visitors stay for longer. You can do this by giving them a reason to stay and offering them something worth spending more time on. And the easiest way to go about this is by creating interesting, valuable content.

  1. Organic Traffic

Traffic is what keeps a website going; good traffic is what makes a good website. Organic traffic is the best type of traffic any webmaster can think of. Organic traffic is trafficked from either search engines or directly from the users.

  1. Patience 

This may sound weird to be part of the adult SEO technique, but it is. Ranking top on search engines takes time, and it takes only patience to perfect it. So, even as you do everything required of you, excise some patients, and give it time to materialize.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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