
Ask a Car Accident Injury Lawyer: What Should I Tell the Other Insurance Company?

Communicating with the other driver’s insurance company after a car accident can feel like weaving your way across a minefield: a single misstep may damage or even destroy the value of your claim. Let’s look at precisely what you should and shouldn’t say when the insurance adjuster calls. And your safest course of action is to consult with a car accident injury lawyer in San Antonio before speaking to the insurer at all. 

Ask a Car Accident Injury Lawyer: What Should I Tell the Other Insurance Company?

Shortly following an accident, someone from the other driver’s insurance provider is likely to call you, especially if their policyholder was responsible for the accident. It’s important to understand that the insurance adjuster you speak with isn’t on your side. Their primary duty and aim are to minimize the value of your claim by finding a reason to dispute either the other driver’s liability or the extent of your injuries. 

When they call, the insurance adjuster is hoping you haven’t spoken to an attorney yet and that you’ll say the wrong thing and thereby handicap your claim. They may also offer you an initial lowball settlement figure, hoping you don’t yet understand the full value of your damages. Therefore, your goal during the call should be to protect your rights and withhold any information that may give the insurer the upper hand in later settlement negotiations.

Find Out Who You’re Speaking With

At the start of the call, politely request the name of the person you’re speaking with and the name of their insurance company. Also, request their contact details for your attorney to use later on. This will let them know from the get-go that you intend to hire legal representation and fight for a fair settlement. 

Don’t Agree to a Recorded Statement

At some point during your conversation, the insurance adjuster is likely to request a recorded statement. You have no legal obligation to comply with this request, and it’s best to decline. 

Any recorded statement you give can only help the insurance company and harm your claim, which is precisely the intention of the adjuster in asking to record the conversation. In answer, you can explain that you or your attorney will send a detailed written statement to the insurance provider at a later date.

Provide Only Basic Personal Information

The only information you can safely supply the insurance adjuster with is minimal personal information: your name, address, phone number, job title, and employer. You have no obligation to tell them anything else, no matter what they ask about.

Politely Refuse to Discuss the Accident

When they ask you to describe what happened, say that the accident is still being investigated and you or your attorney will send them a description at a later date. They may try to engage you in conversation and artfully lead you into revealing details of the crash with cunning questions. No matter how charming and chatty they are, resist the urge to say a thing about the accident. 

Politely Refuse to Discuss Your Injuries

The adjuster is also likely to ask about your injuries. It’s safest to withhold any details about your injuries in order to protect the value of your damages. 

Anything you say may later turn out to be false if your injuries later worsen, or you simply forget some aspect of them. You can tell the adjuster that you’re still undergoing treatment and you’re not prepared to discuss your injuries at this time. 

Decline Any Initial Settlement Offer

One reason adjusters call accident victims shortly after a crash is that they hope to settle quickly for as little money as possible. In the aftermath of an accident, you may be worried about the medical bills looming before you, and any settlement offer may seem very tempting. 

However, before speaking to a car accident attorney, it’s unlikely that you know the full damages you have a right to claim. It’s also unwise to accept a settlement until you know the full extent of the medical treatment your injuries will require. For these reasons, resist the urge to accept an initial settlement offer, no matter how fair it appears to be. 

Speak to a Car Accident Injury Lawyer in San Antonio 

At the start of your car accident claim, the surest way to avoid costly errors is with the legal guidance of an experienced car accident lawyer. Your attorney can guide you on what to say and take over all communications with the insurer.

They can investigate your case and compose a formal demand letter outlining the details of the accident, the extent of your injuries, and the full damages you have a right to recover. Your attorney can then negotiate effectively for the best settlement possible. Check out this site for more details on the value a local car accident lawyer can provide. 

Although navigating a phone call with the other driver’s insurance company is a tricky business, you can pull it off safely with the tips laid out in this article. If you keep a calm head, resist the urge to share details, and decline any lowball settlement offer, you should make it through just fine.

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