Best Doctor For Vertigo Has The Answer To Everything

It’s a sunny morning and you head outside for a run, only to feel unsteady after a few steps. The next thing you know, you’re on the ground. Vertigo can be a scary experience, but luckily some treatments can help. If you’re looking for vertigo treatment, finding the best doctor for vertigo is key.
A recent study found that nearly half of all adults in the United States will experience vertigo at some point in their lives. This number is staggering, especially when you consider that so many people are going around untreated or undiagnosed. If you or someone you love is struggling with vertigo, it’s important to know that you’re not alone and there is help available.
In this, we’ll outline the signs and symptoms of vertigo as well as some of the best ways to treat it.
What is vertigo?
Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or the feeling that you or the environment around you is moving. It can be caused by various medical problems, such as problems with the inner ear, medications, or head injuries. Vertigo can also result from a benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV), which is caused by a problem in one of the inner ear’s balances sensors. This type of vertigo often occurs after certain changes in head position, such as when looking up or down.
There are different types of vertigo. One type is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. BPPV occurs when the otoconia become stuck somewhere in your ear canal. When you move your head, these particles move along with them, causing vertigo. Once you have been diagnosed with BPPV, you will be given a special maneuver called Epley’s Maneuver to remove the otoconia.
Another type of vertigo is Meniere’s disease. With Meniere’s Disease, there is damage to the endolymphatic sac. The endolymphatic sac filters fluid waste produced by the inner ear. Without the sac filtering properly, fluids build up in the inner ear. This leads to vertigo and other symptoms.
What are the symptoms of vertigo?
- Vertigo happens when your head feels off balance. You might feel dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, or even sick.
- This can happen if you’re under stress. If you have vertigo, then you may feel anxious or stressed out.
- Another cause of vertigo could be that you’re dehydrated. When you get dizzy, it’s usually because your body isn’t getting enough water.
- Vertigo can also occur when you’ve eaten too much sugar. If you feel like you’re going to pass out, then this is probably what’s happening.
- In some cases, vertigo can be caused by dehydration. Your brain needs lots of water to function properly.
- A lack of iron can also trigger vertigo. Iron helps to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen around your blood vessels.
If you are suffering from vertigo and need medical attention, visit your doctor right away. You should report how long the symptoms have been going on, what kind of vertigo you are experiencing, whether or not you are pregnant, and any past illnesses or injuries that might have affected your health.
How is vertigo treated?
To treat vertigo, you need to first identify its cause. This means finding out what is causing your vertigo. Once you get the causes, you can go for treatments. There are various treatments for this disorder, including medications, physical therapy, surgery, and home remedies.
- Medication- Oral medication is usually prescribed for the treatment of vertigo. These types of drugs include anti-emetics (to prevent vomiting), antinauseants (for nausea), and vestibular suppressants (for balance problems).
- Physical Therapy- Physical therapy is used to treat patients who have vertigo due to disorders of the inner ear and is the first line of treatment when other methods fail. This type of treatment includes exercises, head tilts, and body positioning.
- Acupuncture has been used to treat dizziness and vertigo since ancient times. Many studies show the benefits of acupuncture for patients who suffer from vertigo. Acupuncture can help to restore balance and improve the circulation of blood in the body. It works by stimulating certain parts of the brain by inserting needles into specific points along with the ears, neck, head, and other areas.
- If your symptoms are severe then resting may help. This is usually done at home with bed rest. Lie down flat on the floor, put something under your head (like a pillow), and relax. Try not to move around too much, but do get up from time to time to drink water. If this doesn’t work, go to the doctor.
- Some exercises can help improve balance. These include walking while holding onto something for support, standing on one leg, and learning how to use handrails.
How to find the right vertigo doctor?
The best doctor for vertigo is someone who listens and takes the time to understand your symptoms. Patients want a physician who will take the time to get to know them and their unique medical history. It is also important that your doctor has experience diagnosing and treating vertigo.
- When searching for an experienced best doctor for vertigo, make sure you’re doing proper research first. You want to be certain that the doctor has experience treating patients with vertigo, and also that they have the necessary certifications and licenses to practice medicine in your state.
- Once you’ve chosen a qualified physician, make sure that he/she is willing to answer your questions and address any concerns you might have about your vertigo problem.
- If possible, ask for references from past patients so you can learn more about the quality of care they received. You should also consider asking for recommendations from family members, friends, and colleagues.
- A good doctor should have a good understanding of physiology, pharmacology, anatomy, and pathology.
- They should know how to prescribe appropriate medications that are effective and safe.
- They need to have a strong knowledge base about the disease state they are treating.
- They should have a skill set including physical exam, history taking, diagnosis, consultation, prognosis counseling, and treatment planning.
- They should be able to communicate effectively and professionally.
- They should possess excellent interpersonal skills.