
Bitcoin Merch also known as is an online shop that deals in crypto mining equipment. The store has a warehouse in Los Angeles, California. So the question is, is legit?
Bitcoin Merch works with leading crypto hardware manufacturers such as Baikal, Aladdin Miner, and Bitmain among many other huge names. The company works with only the best since crypto mining requires quality and uses a lot of energy. Anything short of excellence would be bad for your return on investment.
Social proof
Bitcoin Merch social media status
- The website has been active for several years
- Valid SSL
- Linked to several trusted sites
- Facebook audience
- Present on Twitter
- Present on Instagram
Would a fake business have a valid SSL and be active on Twitter? We all know what happens to bad guys on Twitter. They get hash-tagged. Bitcoin Merch knows and understands the power of social media. They use those platforms to engage with their customers. These customers would not hesitate to point out scamming if they sensed it.
The price
Leave the apparel and clothesline sold by Bitcoin Merch. Quality is not about a clothing line. But why would a scammer be so proud of their brand that they would want you to wear it? Would it not expose them and spread the bad word? sells crypto miners at the most affordable rates in the market. It does not seem feasible but when you are working with global names in the industry, you can order in bulk and offer huge discounts. You can get a miner going for $300 while the same would be sold at $500 on Amazon. If you are trying to save a buck you would definitely want to save some $200 and pay the power company. This is because crypto mining consumes a lot of energy.
What are the perks
Bitcoin Merch is not only a site that sells crypto mining hardware, it also offers guides. Idan Adada, the founder of the company is the one who writes these guides. He is still educating everyone on how to buy bitcoin with debit card. He does not believe in reserving knowledge after all, the blockchain is supposed to represent financial freedom and not oppression. The founder has enjoyed alot of publicity which also adds to his transparency. He is simply spreading the gospel that you do not have to go to Iceland and have extremely expensive machines to mine your crypto. You can do it all in your living room or at Starbucks.
Final thoughts
Do not just shop blindly. Crypto mining is a territory with its ups and down. It is good to gather all the information you need. It is true that there is a lot of money to be made in mining crypto but this does not negate it being a risky venture. is a site that was set up to allow everyday people enjoy the financial independence that comes with mining crypto.