Budding Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana Indoors

What they say is true: it’s not always easy being green. Those who enjoy recreational or medicinal marijuana use are no strangers to the tedious process of getting their hands on a high-quality strain. If you’re tired of making frequent trips to the dispensary or feel uneasy about purchasing marijuana from a private dealer, you might be considering growing your marijuana indoors.
As long as you’re not violating any city or state regulations on growing and possessing marijuana, growing your plant can be a rewarding and empowering experience. Whether you’re interested in producing for marijuana’s medical benefits or looking to source buds for recreational use, every master grower has to start somewhere. If you’d like to learn the budding basics, check out this beginner’s guide to growing marijuana indoors.
Consider using a grow kit
Like most other plants, marijuana requires that its grower is familiar with a specific set of care instructions. New growers benefit from extra informational support since familiarizing themselves with a novel plant’s needs can present a learning curve. If a beginner-friendly approach entices you, consider investing in a pre-assembled grow kit with everything you need to grow buds.
Grow kits come equipped with all of the supplies you need in one package, and most include helpful instructions in case you get stuck.
Germinate your seeds
The seeds you choose will determine the strain of your marijuana plant. When deciding what kind of seeds you want to buy, be mindful of what type of strain you hope to grow. For example, if you plan to grow plants that create buds for smoking, you will need different seed strains than if you are interested in cloning and breeding plants.
Still, no matter the seed strain you wind up getting your hands on, your first step should always be to germinate your seeds to prepare them for planting. To germinate the seeds, lay the seeds between two wet paper towels. Keep them moist and damp for several days. The moisture should cause the seed to sprout and become ready to be planted in the soil.
Build the perfect grow room
When it comes to growing your plants, the environment matters. Expert growers know that the trick to growing marijuana indoors is to create an environment that offers the plant the right temperature, airflow, water, and light. Many home growers find success by building a grow room set up for total control of the elements. Remember that your seed strain will determine your grow room needs. For example, Sativa tends to do better outdoors than inside.
Regulate air, water, and light
In general, indoor marijuana growers succeed by creating an environment that mimics outdoor light elements, so set a realistic schedule for when your grow lights are on and off.
Keep in mind that cannabis plants require a tremendous amount of water. Indoor plants can consume approximately 3 gallons of water per day, depending on the season. Consider building or buying a watering system that automatically delivers the proper amount of water to each plant. After all, installing a watering system will lighten your load by regularly watering your plant.
Indoor plants require humidity between 50% and 70%. Depending on your grow site, you might need to purchase either a humidifier or dehumidifier to help you control the amount of moisture in the room.
Finally, marijuana plants thrive in warm air. The perfect temperature for indoor growing is between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. As you build your ideal growing space, double-check that it meets all of cannabis’s specific growing requirements.
Final considerations
Before embarking on your growing adventure, make sure you have a growing space that allows you to control your plants’ environment. If you take the time to learn about different cannabis strains, make informed choices when buying supplies, and have patience as you come to master marijuana growth, your plants should flourish under your care.