
Can Anonymous Cell Phone Text Messages be traced?

When you’re receiving spam text messages or want to know the sender of a specific message, there are a couple of ways to trace the source of a text message. But tracing isn’t always possible without the help of your cell phone company. In this article we will guide you further.

It is often useful to be able to trace SMS or calls. But how does it work? It is no longer a dream like in movies to track something like this; it has long been possible to do this as a private individual. This article discusses ways to trace messages when the sending number is suppressed.

Ways to trace traditional anonymous texts

It is no longer a secret that we can trace text messages that we get from suppressed phone numbers. But how can we achieve this? There are several ways to trace an anonymous text or call, and most of them are not that complicated. Below are ways you can trace messages from an unknown number:

1.     Your mobile carrier

Many providers make it possible to track the messages. It’s like banking when you’re looking for a specific bank statement, or with the tracking list, you can request from your phone company.

Nevertheless, when you see the content of an anonymous short message sent but can’t find the number, the sender might have used the traditional method of suppressing the number.

Suppose that is the case, then you can get a glimpse of who the sender is by inquiring from your service provider. Once the operation is performed, you will get the sender’s phone number.

Furthermore, if you are not satisfied with only the phone number, the location of the messages can also be traced through a police system or various cell phone tracking systems.

There are different ways you get to perform the tracking. But the most important thing is the mobile phone has to be switched on so the person can be found. However, in some cases of SMS tracking, logging into a specific system is also sufficient to find the sender’s location.

2.     External SMS tracking services

Some forums record all calls, short messages, and emails, for example, the True Caller app. But the downside of these applications is that the sender must have installed or registered with the company. These forums are especially important when you are threatened. However, it is important to find out how long you talked to which user and, of course, to filter the time and phone number.

On these forums, incoming and outgoing calls and various lists of activities are programmed and worked through them; messages are also saved. When you use these forums, the SMS is tracked with total surveillance, i.e., via Cell-ID base station, to provide an easy location of the sender.

However, you must be aware that you are liable for prosecution in some countries if you trace someone else’s message without the consent of the mobile phone owner.

3.     Data recovery programs

Furthermore, there are also data recovery programs for short message tracing. Additional programs and data backups programs on some smartphones ensure that short messages can be restored because the SIM card saves everything for tracking the messages.

When you call customer service, the short message will be found even if it was deleted long ago. This works across the various systems and is very well possible, especially with Android phones, and offers the best chance of finding the SMS again when they are mistakenly deleted.

It is therefore advisable to always make backup copies right from the start. That way, the short message doesn’t get lost easily, and you can find everything and trace its sender.

Sending an anonymous text message that cannot be tracked

There are several ways to send a text message anonymously without getting traced. This ranges from using an anonymous email mode to using anonymous texting apps and web services like With Anonymous Text, you don’t need to download or install any additional software if you want to SMS someone anonymously. You may accomplish it online by using a web-based tool instead.

Anonymous Text is the ideal platform for sending an anonymous text message to anyone around the globe. This web-based anonymous texting app charges $1.49 to send a single text message of up to 160 characters, which is reasonably priced since the text message passed the anonymity test and arrived relatively soon.

Read also: avple

James Morkel

Tech website author with a passion for all things technology. Expert in various tech domains, including software, gadgets, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Dedicated to simplifying complex topics and providing informative and engaging content to readers. Stay updated with the latest tech trends and industry news through their insightful articles.

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