
Caroline Drowning Lake Statement on Caroline Drowning Lake

You can find the victim’s name and other details in our Caroline Drowning Lake article.

Are you aware of the current Worldwide crime rates? We recommend that you research the current crime rate worldwide. Global crime rates are only rising. Recent evidence is the discovery of a floating corpse in a lake called Caroline. A young man owning an ice cream shop located in the Caroline District has been identified as the body.

You won’t want to miss out on the latest updates about Caroline Drowning Lake if you live near it. Continue reading to learn more about the victim and details surrounding his death.

The Accident

A Mississippi ice cream shop was shut down following the discovery that one of its employees had died in an accident at a lake of Caroline on July 4. According to staff, the young man had drowned.

On social media, the crew announced that the business would be closing on Tuesday in order to grieve the loss of Jelani (Jay), Porter.

Statement on Caroline Drowning Lake

The message states, “During this time, please raise your employees, his friends and especially his family in prayer to the Lord so that He will strengthen their spirits and comfort them during this sad loss.”

Porter’s body, aged 18, was taken out of Lake Caroline, Madison County, and identified. Porter was 18 years of age.

The Investigation

MADISON COUNTY (Miss. (WJTV, Miss.) — The investigation was opened after a body was found in Lake Caroline on Tuesday morning.

Alex Breeland of Madison County on Caroline Drowning Lake stated that a man’s body was found before 9:00 AM. According to information from the Madison County Sheriff’s Office the deceased was identified as Jelani Porter, 18 years old.

The Arrest

Olive Branch police made several arrests in an unsuccessful attempt at carjacking. Crews were dispatched by Olive Branch police to Lake Caroline on July 4 after receiving a report that someone had drowned in the lake. The owner of an ice cream parlor has been identified as the victim in the Caroline Lake drowning.

Due to the severe storms that swept the area on Monday night, the Madison County Sheriff’s Office at Caroline Drowning Lake along with the MDWFP stopped searching for the missing person.


In memory of Jelani Porter, the retail establishment Bop’s Frozen Custard will be closing today. He was both a friend as well as a member of the team. Please pray for his family and friends during this difficult time.

Did you have all the details? If you have any information about Caroline Drowning Lake or the accident, please use the comment section.

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