CBD Oil and Inflammation
CBD remains a hot topic this year. The media mentions it extensively and companies love to advertise their products on the internet. The manufacturers claim it can help a person recover following a workout, soothe arthritis pain, and help with numerous medical conditions. What is this substance? Does it truly help control inflammation in the body? These are two of many questions people have about CBD or cannabidiol.
Is Cannabidiol Marijuana?
Many people confuse cannabidiol and marijuana, which is understandable. Both substances come from the cannabis plant. However, they come with different effects. Manufacturers make cannabidiol in a lab or pull it from hemp plants to ensure it does not contain THC, the psychoactive compound present in cannabis that produces the high people associate with marijuana. However, CBD is also known for high potency, depending on the strain.
Is CBD Legal?
CBD is legal in all states, although there are some restrictions. The Farm Bill of 2018 made help legal in the country, thus making CBD legal as well. Hemp is no longer considered a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act, so legislators cannot say CBD derived from the plant is illegal. Nevertheless, people must take care if CBD derives from a cannabis plan, as it may be illegal.
CBD’s Medical Uses
Researchers continue to study the health benefits of CBD. At this time, the FDA has approved CBD use for children suffering from Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, two epilepsy syndromes. These conditions don’t respond to normal antiseizure medications, but CBD reduces or eliminates seizures.
In addition, studies conducted on animals have found that CBD helps those suffering from anxiety. Insomnia may be addressed with the use of CBD, and it also appears to help those suffering from addiction. Countless individuals have reported using CBD has helped them with other medical issues, although scientists have yet to confirm the validity of these statements.
Is CBD of Help to Those Suffering from Inflammation?
Researchers have found that CBD helps animals control pain. They believe it does so by lowering inflammation in the body caused by arthritis. In addition, other researchers believe they have identified how CBD inhibits neuropathic and inflammatory pain, which is important. This pain is normally difficult to treat.
The Safety of CBD
CBD when purchased from a reputable source is safe. The World Health Organization reports humans will not abuse or become dependent on CBD. However, a person might feel nauseous when using this substance. Fatigue and irritability have also been reported.
Nevertheless, a person should never take CBD without speaking to their doctor. CBD can lead to increased blood thinning and compete with other medications in the body responsible for the breakdown of drugs. Furthermore, men and women who consume excessive amounts of CBD may have abnormal liver test results.
CBD is not a cure-all medication, regardless of what some manufacturers claim. More research needs to be done on this substance to learn what it can and cannot do. However, many people find they obtain relief from medical conditions with its use. If a doctor says it is safe to take, don’t hesitate to try it. Relief from inflammation may be nothing more than a pill or capsule away.