Do CBD Oil and Treats for Dogs Have Any Advantages?
All-natural treatment for humans — and now pets — known as CBD oil may be familiar to you. Is CBD oil or CBD treats safe for your dog? What you need to know about canine CBD is outlined in this article.
What Is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant’s flowers and buds. Marijuana is known for its “high” because it contains the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
To be clear, hemp and marijuana are both derived from the cannabis plant, but they have different concentrations of the psychoactive compound THC. Hemp has a maximum THC content of 0.3 percent, compared to up to 30 percent in marijuana. While most states still prohibit the use of marijuana-derived CBD oil, hemp-derived oil is legal in all 50 states.
What’s the Difference Between CBD and Hemp Oil?
It’s common for people to assume that CBD oil and hemp oil are interchangeable, but this isn’t the case.
Isolated Cannabidiol or CBD Oil
This cannabinoid compound, known as CBD, is extracted from mature cannabis plants’ leaves, flowers, and sometimes stems. You get the medical and therapeutic benefits from CBD oil because it contains this compound.
Hemp Oil
On the other hand, hemp oils are derived from the seeds of the cannabis plant, which contain very little CBD (or THC, for that matter). In contrast to CBD, hemp seeds don’t have the same medicinal properties as hemp oils, but hemp oils do have some nutritional advantages of their own! Hemp oil is a popular dietary supplement for pets because of its high concentration of vitamins and minerals.
How Safe Is CBD To Take For Dogs?
CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular for human use, but can CBD oil be given to dogs? What about our four-legged buddies, such as dogs and cats? In spite of the fact that veterinary scientific study into this novel medication is still in its infancy, many veterinarians have begun suggesting CBD oil for canines.
According to a tiny Colorado State University study, CBD was well accepted by healthy dogs overall, however some dogs experienced minor diarrhoea and modestly raised serum ALP levels (a liver enzyme). More studies are needed to evaluate the long-term effects of CBD on dogs’ livers, although no acute threat of liver damage was discovered, according to researchers.
Research in humans has demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of the cannabinoids, as well as their potential to aid in the treatment of a wide range of mental and physical health issues.
The benefits of Pet CBD use in dogs have been widely reported by pet owners on forums, social media, and other platforms. Even though there haven’t been any reports of major health concerns from pet owners using CBD oils or treats, this is important to keep in mind:
Does CBD Oil Work for My Dog?
Endocannabinoid systems in dogs and cats are similar to those in humans, making it possible for them to benefit from the use of CBD oil. Hemp’s medicinal compounds can now be used to treat a wide range of ailments thanks to this approach. Understand the endocannabinoid system in dogs.
Cannabidiol (CBD) for dogs can help alleviate a variety of ailments that your pet may experience, including:
· Stress and anxiety
· Pain ranging from mild to severe
· Inflammation that goes on for a long time
· Joint discomfort and arthritis
· Problems with digestion
· Nausea
· Cancer signs and symptoms
Scientific studies are still ongoing to validate this advantage, but some dog owners claim it can assist treat epileptic seizures. This or any other of the purported advantages should be discussed with your veterinarian prior to using CBD for this or any other reason.