Children’s camp is the comprehensive development of your child

The children’s camp allows, in their free time from school, to form and develop various social skills and moral qualities in children, such as initiative, determination, courage, a sense of humor, communication skills, etc. Choosing a Maker camp, you can not worry about it during your vacation. The autumn camp will not seem boring, although the program is carefully planned:, there will be enough communication and various activities. Away from the parental family, children for some time find themselves participants in a specially organized model of social relations in which they are forced to independently (but under the vigilant supervision of teachers) solve problems that arise, and can also try themselves in various social roles.
“A children’s camp is a form of organized children’s recreation that allows you to unite a group of children (including those of different ages) and give them social and creative knowledge, skills and abilities in a non-directive form (playful, leisure).”
Children’s camp is:
- a great place for educating children in independence, social communication skills, expanding their horizons, revealing their creative potential
- a bright event in the life of a child, allows him to actively and usefully spend time in nature with his peers
Children’s camp should:
- carry the function of educating a healthy younger generation, and should meet this function as much as possible
- include the maximum variety of leisure and educational programs to allow the child to develop in any direction that interests him
- be interesting, only then the child has a desire and motivation to participate in this event
The game form is good because it simulates the conditions of real life in a safe environment. Like a demo version of real life quests. Accordingly, the more successfully the child joins the game, the easier it will be for him to learn the script, which can then be applied again and again in real life. If, at the same time, the counselors create situations for the child when he succeeds, consider it in the bag.
Of course, the more the child is immersed in the camp environment, the more he takes away the values broadcast by the camp. Therefore, parents need, firstly, to learn more about the camp and its employees and, secondly, by sending a child to a specialized camp (sports, language, creative), instill in him a certain attitude to life.
Behind the screen of the gadget
According to various statistics, the average child in Russia spends about 6.5 hours using various devices and gadgets. This figure is directly proportional to age. In adolescents, this figure starts from 8 hours a day. Most of this time is occupied by social networks. How does this affect a child’s life?
- lack of hobbies and creative activities
- loss of life skills in the real world
- discrepancy between the picture of social networks and reality
- broken daily routine and inability to concentrate and much more
Of course, social networks have tremendous benefits, but they cause a strong addiction. Therefore, it is very difficult to do the benefits and simply waste time.
Modern educators are forced to compete with exciting and bright high-budget computer games, consoles, blockbusters and gadgets. And in order to interest the child and distract him from the screen, the children’s camp simply needs to offer something more.