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Colombian Christmas Desserts A Guide to Festive Treats

Like other countries, Christmas in Colombia is considered an important holiday. Every night people assemble in different houses to pray, eat, sing, party, and dance. Although traditional feasts vary from one region to another, certain dishes are appreciated all over the country and make for an exquisite meal. This post is for people who are looking for the best Colombian desserts for Christmas.                                                                                                                                      Colombian Desserts: Mecatos Bakery & Café Waterford Lakes

When does Christmas start?

Celebrations for Christmas Eve start on 24th December for Americans. While every family has their tradition, this is the general time for celebrating Christmas. However, Christmas celebrations in Colombia start on the 7th of the month.            Colombian Bakery: Mecatos Cafe & Bakery in Orlando

The grand celebration begins with what they refer to as Dia de las Velitas or the Day of the Little Candle. The celebration marks the day when Mother Mary conceived Jesus. It falls before the day of Immaculate Conception. Day of the Little Candles is the time when people light candles or paper lanterns.                                                                                                Colombian Bakery: Mecatos Bakery & Café Waterford Lakes

They will leave them on their balconies, sidewalks, and windowsills. It’s a special day for the Colombian people because it marks the advent of the Christmas period. Many people will go to the churches and take active participation in fireworks shows and street parades. About 70% of the population in Colombia are Catholic and you will find a nativity display in many buildings and homes.

Christmas Eve in Colombia is the special time of the year when a big meal is eaten. As such, you can expect to have many dishes, especially desserts. Let’s discuss some of the best Colombian Christmas desserts that you will find during this time.

Colombian Christmas desserts

Christmas meals and desserts in Colombia are consumed on Christmas Eve evenings. Below listed are some of the favorite desserts that people in Colombia like to have during Christmas.

1. Natilla

Of all the great cuisines that Colombia has to offer, Natilla is one of the most sought-after desserts. It’s a great Colombian custard that is a part of Christmas Eve. This rich dessert is a mainstay in Colombia. People take Natilla with bunuelos. This recipe has a resemblance to the popular recipe dulce de leches.

But Natilla is flavored with panela and is thicker. Besides, you can take Natilla in a variety of ways such as sliceable and firm or in a pudding form with more cream. Some people will take Natilla with fresh shredded coconut, nuts, and raisins.

2. Dulce de Nochebuena

No denying, Colombians love to have sweet dishes, and this is evident in another dessert called dulce de Noche Buena. It’s one of the popular sweet recipes that is considered a festive treat and has been named? Christmas Eve Dessert’.

The dulce de nochebuena is a unique kind of snack that consists of fruits such as lime, figs, and papaya. Not only is the dessert delicious but also it is a staple throughout the year. It is the best way to start the Christmas Eve feast while getting you in the right mood.

3. Rice pudding

Arroz con leche or rice pudding is another Christmas dessert and a popular staple in Colombia. This dessert is a thick concoction and doesn’t need many ingredients to make. Rice, sugar, and milk are important ingredients.

When you add cardamom or cinnamon, you get another soothing layer of taste. Moreover, nuts or other dry fruits make a great addition to the rice pudding, a special dessert to make Christmas Eve better.

Richard Maxwell

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