
Crossfit Games Standings 2022 Crossfit Games 2022 Calendar 07/08

CrossFit LLC hosts annual CrossFit Games. Directors are Justin Bergh and Adrian Bozman. CrossFit began in 2007, with 40 men and forty women competing. Nobull sponsors CrossFit 2022. The competitors have to pass through CrossFit-Open, CrossFit-Quarterfinals, and CrossFit-Semifinals. The games will be held at Alliant Energy Center in the United States.

Did you know what the current CrossFit leaderboard looked like? Let’s examine the CrossFit Games Rankings 2022.

CrossFit leaderboard 2022

Tia Claire Toomey is the best female competitor, as she has been CrossFit champion over the past five year. Justin Medeiros is the top male competitor. CrossFit Mayhem, as a team, is considered a leading competitor. Let’s have a look at CrossFit Games Schedule.

4th August:

9:00-12:30 – Groups for adaptive athletes and group members

13:00-14.00-Opening Ceremonies

14:30-18:00-Groups & Adaptive Atheletes

5th August:

9:00-12:30-Individuals and Teams

9:00-13:30 – Groups and Adaptive Atheletes

13:30-16:30-Individuals and Teams

11:05-18:0 Groups and Adaptive Atheletes

17:00-19:00-Individuals and Teams

6th August:

8:00-12:00-Groups, Adaptive Atheletes

8:00-12:30-Individuals and Teams

11:25-17:30 – Groups and Adaptive Atheletes

13:00-16:45-Individuals and Teams

16:30-18:00-Age-Group and Adaptive Awards Ceremony

18:00-20:30-Individuals and Teams

Crossfit Games 2022 Calendar 07/08:

9:00-10:30-Individuals and Teams

11:00-15:00-Individuals and Teams

15:30-16:00 Award Ceremony

CrossFit Ranking

Let’s take you to the top ten CrossFit men’s leaderboards:

1Saxon PanchikUnited States2625
2Matt PoulinUnited States2628
3Justin MedeirosUnited States2331
4Colten MertensUnited States2435
5Phil ToonUnited States2438
6Victor LjungdalSweden2646
7Jay CrouchAustralia2353
8Scott TetlowUnited States2972
9Cedric LepointeCanada2585
10Dallin PepperUnited States2087

Let’s examine the Crossfit Games Standings 202 of top ten women:

1Mallory O’BrienUnited States184
2Tia-Clair ToomeyAustralia288
3Haley AdamsUnited States2138
4Laurie ClementFrance3541
5Brooke WellsUnited States2743
6Emma McquaidIreland3258
7Alexis RaptisUnited States2366
7Ellie TurnerAustralia2466
9Andrea SolbergNorway2684
10Jamie SimmondsNew Zealand3186

Mathew Fraser, a five-time CrossFit champion, was the last to be crowned in 2016. Justin Medeiros, the men’s CrossFit champion, became the champion in 2021. The total points scored in Crossfit Games Rankings 2022 determine the competitor’s rank. The athlete who has the most points wins. Points can be defined as the sum of all an athlete’s workout rankings. Based on a points system.


Tia Claire’s performance wasn’t as good as she expected. She is now in second place with 8 points. Mallory O’Brien is ahead of Tia-Clair at CrossFit 2022. Haley Adams is in third position. CrossFit men’s games have five of the top positions occupied by CrossFit participants hailing from the USA. Saxon Panchik, Matt Poulin, and Justin Medeiros have taken the number one spot.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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