Essay writers: 7 Steps to Becoming an Essay Writing pro in College
For some students who are not essay writers, writing essays in college comes naturally; for others, it’s an agonizing ordeal that leaves them second guessing their ability to handle the coursework at this level. But with the right approach, essay writing in college can be an effective learning experience that helps you develop valuable critical thinking skills you can take with you beyond college and into
our future career. The following seven steps will help you become a pro at essay writing while still managing to get good grades in your classes and enjoy the process!
1) Prepare
Make sure you prepare . Read the assignment and outline your essay. Know what kind of essay question is being asked. If it is a compare-contrast or process analysis essay, ask yourself these questions: What are the similarities? What are the differences? What’s the process? For any other type of question, ask yourself: What am I trying to prove?
2) Dive into your essay
Dive into your essay. What are you trying to say? Is there one central point or argument? Now that you have a better understanding of what the paper is about, read it over again and be sure that it’s clear and coherent. If it isn’t, try moving some sentences around until it becomes clearer. The best way to know if the essay makes sense is by reading it aloud. Read each sentence out loud and see if it sounds natural and flows well. You can also read through the essay backwards to see if everything still makes sense when reading it in reverse order.
3) Brainstorm some ideas
Brainstorming ideas is just the beginning of the process. Make sure to start with a plan, and break it down into smaller steps. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teacher or classmates if you are struggling with any part of your paper, and don’t forget to do all your research beforehand! Also make sure that you get enough sleep so that you can stay healthy and keep on top of everything. Finally, when the time comes to write your final draft, try printing out copies so that you have some more space to work on.
4) Write a first draft without distractions
Write the first draft without distractions. If you have a laptop, put it on airplane mode or take the battery out so you can’t check your email or surf the web. Get rid of your phone if possible and avoid conversation with people who might distract you from writing. Plan for uninterrupted time (at least one hour). Start with what you know about the topic, then add any research that supports your points. Next write about how someone might feel if they are in this situation and what could happen next.
5) Outline your essay as you write it
Outline your essay as you write it. An outline will help you stay on topic and get your points across. The more detailed your outline is, the easier it will be for you to write your paper. The outline should include both the introduction and the conclusion. You may have a general idea of what you want to say but take some time outlining before getting started. The first step to writing a perfect essay is getting organized. Don’t wait until the last minute to start writing your paper if you know it has an early deadline. Give yourself time to brainstorm and outline before you actually sit down to write it out on paper.
6) Fill in the blanks with supporting details
Reread your work and make sure it’s easy to read and understand. Read aloud and notice how the sound of your voice changes when you read different parts of the text. Proofread your work, looking for any errors that you might have missed. Take a break from writing if you get tired or discouraged, so that you can come back fresh with a new perspective. The essay is a way of communicating our thoughts to others through written language. It’s important to present our ideas clearly and concisely, which is why we need to spend time on making sure our essays are clear and well-written.
7) Edit, proofread, and move on
Edit and proofread for mistakes in sentence structure, word choice, and punctuation. Read aloud and listen for parts that sound awkward or difficult to understand. Fix any errors you find as you go along. Remember that if the draft is a rough one and not something you would want your professor or future employer to read, then it needs more work.