
Fisher Investments Client Reviews Some information about Fisher Investments.

Are you in search of an investment strategy? Are you familiar with Fisher Investments’ investment strategies? If yes, then we would ask you to carefully read the article before proceeding. Fisher Investments, a global financial management company, is located in the United States. Fisher Investments is home to more than 68,000 clients as well as around 175 institutions. You should first read reviews from clients before you sign up for any service. All your questions will be answered by the Fisher Investments Client Reviews post.

Client Review of Fisher Investments:

Look through the ‘Customer Reviews’ section to see which reviews Fisher Investments received. Many of the reviews were one- or two-star, but some received four- or five-star ratings. Fisher Investments receives two out five stars for its overall rating. Clients referred to both the pros and the cons of the firm. We discovered that Fisher Investments had more problems than pros after doing a detailed analysis. For more information, please refer to the Fisher Investments Client Reviews section.

Joe, a client of Fisher Investments, wrote a review on July 25, 2022. He said that Fisher Investments’ people were nice. In the cons section, he complained about the boilerplate process and misleading services. He said that he should always read reviews before making any decision. He gave only one star.

Fred, another client wrote in the pros section on 22 July 2022 that Fisher Investments has convincing TV commercials. He wrote in the cons section that Fisher Investments is pushy, obnoxious and puts high pressure. He also only gave one star.

The positive response of the Fisher Investments Client reviews

Clients mentioned in the pros section good communication, fancy mailings and slick presentations. Some also mentioned TV commercials, great narratives, great service, and other things.

However, the cons section is much larger than the pros. Fisher Investments was not mentioned by many of their clients. If the firm has 20 % of positive reviews, then there are only 80% negative reviews.

Background of Fisher Investments :

Fisher Investments was established by Ken Fisher, an investor legend, in 1979. Camas is where they have their main headquarters. Will you still be brave enough to go ahead and try this company after reading the Fisher Investments Client reviews? They might have many clients from Canada and Europe, the Middle East and Asia, but their reviews make it difficult to trust them.

Some information about Fisher Investments.

  1. They employ a total number of 1,320 advisors.
  2. Under their management, they have totalized $208,905,102 2,124 assets.
  3. The address is: 5525 Northwest Fisher Creek Drive Camas Washington 98607.
  4. Their official website is https://www.fisherinvestments.


Fisher Investments might not be the best place for your needs. Today’s Fisher Investments Client reviews article is a great example of not choosing Fisher Investments.

Are you going to continue choosing this investment company? Leave a comment below.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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