How Do You Protect Yourself from a Boating Accident?

The summer months bring with them a beautiful sky and warmer temperatures. As summer approaches, more and more people can be seen out on their boats. Boating may be a fun way to spend time with family and friends, but there is an element of risk involved. This is the time when most accidents involving personal watercraft happen. Maritime Rescue statistics show that nearly 65% of emergencies involving the recreational fleet happen during the four months of summer, that is, June, July, August, and September. The same statistics point to human error as one of the main causes of accidents, followed by mechanical failures. When an accident causes injury or death, a boat accident lawyer might be able to help you out.
Those figures may be intimidating, but with the proper safeguards, you can safely enjoy your time on the water. Here are a few reasons why boating accidents happen, along with some preventative measures you may take:
Top Causes of Boating Accidents
Inadequate training
It is dangerous to operate any watercraft without sufficient training and expertise. As a beginner, you might make far too many mistakes, and the water can be unforgiving.
When you possess a power boat, it is enticing to throw caution to the wind and go as fast as you can. However, this frequently leads to capsizing and/or collisions. You just don’t have time to react to your environment.
If you’re going to drive a boat, you should be as sober as you would be in any other vehicle. If you drink and operate a boat, you endanger yourself as well as your passengers.
Violation of Navigation Rules
When it comes to driving a motorboat, the regulations are the same as they are for driving a car. Any breaches might jeopardize your safety.
Equipment Failure
Your boat, like any other motor vehicle, requires periodic maintenance. You don’t want your boat to break down in the midst of a body of water. Older engines and other equipment that have not been properly maintained may fail, leaving you stranded. Worse, it may result in an accident. Steering issues might result in crashes or capsizing. Make sure your boat is in order before you venture into a lake or another water body.
The most important conclusions – Steps you can take to prevent boat accidents
Now that you know what causes the majority of boating accidents, it is rather simple to devise and implement a prevention strategy. Here’s a list of things you can do to stay safe when out on the lake with your boat.
Life jackets
Failure to wear a life jacket was one of the most significant contributors to fatal incidents, according to US Coast Guard data. Drowning was the cause of death in the vast majority of fatal boat accidents (76 percent). 84.5 percent of drowning boat drivers were not wearing their life jackets.
Make sure your friends are wearing their life jackets too. Accidents happen all the time, and God forbid if your group meets with a boat accident, wearing a life jacket will increase the likelihood of your survival.
Always bring safety equipment
In order to be prepared for emergencies, experts advise boat owners to carry safety gear including cell phones, VHF radios, marine anchors, signaling devices, and first aid kits.
A cell phone is useful since it lets you contact the Coast Guard, park rangers, local authorities, friends, or relatives if you need assistance on the water. If the cell phone is not working, a VHF radio or signaling device can be used.
Because most boats lack brakes, a naval anchor can act as a substitute. If you frequently cruise in water too deep for an anchor, it is also a good idea to include a drug or sea anchor, which may aid slow or halt your forward pace when needed.
Bring an experienced boat driver
If you are new to boating, do not go out on your own. Bring an experienced boat driver who understands what to do if something goes wrong.
Do not drink and drive
Driving a boat while under the influence of alcohol is dangerous. If anyone in your group will be drinking, choose a sober driver for your boating excursion.
Take a boat safety course
It is critical that you understand how to operate a boat safely. Taking a boat safety course is one of the simplest ways to educate yourself.
Understand the navigation rules
And the last, but one of the most critical measures to prevent boat accidents is to understand the navigation rules. You would never consider driving a car unless you were familiar with the laws and regulations that regulate roadways. Similarly, before you take out your boat, it is critical that you are well aware of the navigation guidelines.