
How Important Is Team Development?

A company’s organizational culture needs to contain stimuli to encourage and motivate employees to work. This is possible through the development of teams, as this strategy aims to create a work environment that is more conducive to partnerships in teams, generating proximity and affinity between employees and teams that are more engaged and committed to the organization.

HR’s role in this relationship is fundamental. With their help, it is possible to create training that develops this stimulus for group work, showing how this partnership can make the service much more productive and even the team happier.

Therefore, in this article, we will go deeper into the subject and show the true importance of team development. See also what are the advantages of stimulating this type of strategy, in addition to how HR can be the main agent in this change within a company. Were you interested in the subject? Stay here and follow!

How Does Team Development Encourage Professional Training?

We already understand that team development is paramount for a company. This methodology seeks to create bonds between employees and make the relationship between employees help, mainly in job satisfaction and increased quality productivity.

This is a very important strategy within the business, as it encourages employees to work more willingly and makes them feel better in their relationships with their colleagues and even with the development of their own service.

Companies often do not value this feeling and create frustrated teams that do not feel good about what they develop. However, this feeling can directly affect productivity. That is, the unhappier the employee is, the less he will produce for his business. Betting, then, on team development is a two-way street since both parties are contemplated.

What Are the Advantages of Encouraging Team Development?

For you who are part of the HR team and need to develop training in teams, see what are the greatest benefits of this strategy and understand how important it is for your workspace.

Under no circumstances should you think that any of the advantages below are unnecessary! For the work environment to be productive, it is essential to meet all these requirements and make the employee even more engaged.

Engagement and Loyalty

First, as we have already mentioned, employees who undergo team training become more engaged with their work. The more satisfied employees feel with what they do and relate to the business, the more loyalty they pledge to the company.

Greater Productivity

Without a doubt, productivity is one of the most beneficial points for the organization that invests in this strategy. Since the employee feels good in that space and conquers the seat of work, the company’s productivity automatically increases and directly affects the business result.

Qualification of Professionals

A point that we haven’t mentioned yet, but which is very important in the midst of team development, is the qualification of professionals. Even if they are already qualified for the service, offering training allows them to improve even more and deliver quality work.

Leadership and Teamwork

The stimulus that team development takes can create a new leader within the company and optimize teamwork in that space. Leadership and collaboration are two key factors for a company to be organized and grow together with its employees.

Improved Creative Output

Since we are dealing with group work, the more minds act together, the greater the creative output. The team service allows several collaborators to give their opinion and create a more diversified project with more ideas gathered in a single space.

Improved Communication

Communication in the workspace is essential for all other benefits to be realized. Therefore, team development aims to work on interpersonal relationships and make employees feel closer and more intimate in that space (thus improving communication).

More Autonomous Team

Ultimately, this development mostly generates more autonomous teams within the workspace. With training and aligned group work, managers do not need to monitor the services performed all the time and allow teams to have independence within the company. This even reduces the team leader’s responsibilities and workload of a manager, who is often responsible for several teams in the same place.

How Can HR Contribute to This Practice in the Company?

But how can the HR team contribute to the development of teams within a company? Simple! In addition to designing this strategy for all teams and taking new skills, the Human Resources sector can also help in the preparation of training through the following practices:

  • Do knowledge management;
  • Align expectations;
  • Give positive feedback;
  • Encourage communication;
  • Distance Learning.


From everything we’ve seen so far, we’ve concluded that the team development process is extremely advantageous for a company. Even if your organization is already united and demonstrates job satisfaction, invest in this type of training and watch the work environment change completely. You can learn more about team and career development plans at our website. Reach out to us today at Ebony Concepts Solutions!

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