How Is Technology Transforming The Modern Cooking Style?

Technology has made a significant impact on everything from how we drive and how we communicate to how we cook. Even though technology doesn’t come to mind first when articulating about the food industry, we can’t ignore the fact: it has changed the food industry, especially cooking style, dramatically over recent years.
Although current advances in food science= technology are primarily to feed the world population, modern-day startups are innovating commercial food technologies otherwise.
From lab-tested ingredients usage and installing tech-savvy kitchens to experimenting with digital culinary techniques, this article summarizes how technology is transforming the modern cooking style well.
- Rapid Rise of Robotics & Machine Use
Robots and machines are the only tangible form of food tech happening globally. That’s why kitchen tech startups like Moley Robotics develop intelligent & fully-automated kitchen robots that learn & cook recipes and clean the kitchen. That said, meet one of its kind ‘home chefs’ of the new age!
Gather ingredients, such as eggs and soy nutrition, pick a recipe on the smartphone app, and rest on Moley’s humanoid cooking bot. The robotic arms perform all the cooking instructions following the app manual, and its tactile sensors work like fingertips. Moley has revolutionized the at-home cooking style with its pioneer human cooking bot.
No wonder we often see robots in the kitchen while the host is chit-chatting with us and instructing them in cooking via their phones or tablets.
Also, when did we last see a barista making an espresso shot manually?
These coffee machines and a million other automated daily-to-use gadgets have made cooking simple and hassle-free. Modern-day technology has impacted the food industry, from butchery machines to packaging, distributing, and waste-collecting automation.
- 3D Printing is Taking Away The Food Industry By Storm
NASA never knew about its real-life invention for space-goers to evolve the cooking style in the following years!
To help space missioners stay away from cooking deep-freezed, pre-packed space food for days and months in the universe, NASA funded BeeHex, a startup that developed 3D printing technology in the first place. From cooking customized pizza in space to helping people with swallowing disorders, 3D printing technology for food is not only meant for space tours anymore.
BeeHex, after its successful space venture with NASA, has accumulated a fund of $1 million to introduce its 3D food printer technology to earth-dwellers as well. Soon this technology named ‘Chef 3D’ will replace human chefs in malls, theme parks, and sports ventures because of its ability to cook food quicker and cleaner.
- Cooking Tools & Methods For Next Generation
Thanks to the constant introduction of new-age cooking tools and methods, within a decade, the possibility of cooking in a robot-free way would be minimal. Plus, you can now learn cooking using AR/VR technology. Yes, you read it right. Many startups have developed augmented reality apps using Apple’s ARKit to allow the virtual reading of cookbooks via a headset.
Furthermore, tech firms like Mellow Inc. invent their unique Sous-vide machine to aid those who don’t like AR/VR technology. Mellow sous chef is an excellent substitute for stove cooking. Anyone can use this wireless technology at home through its app and tell it what to cook and how to prepare within 30 seconds.
That said, with the emergence of science and technology for new culinary techniques, it is easy to become a master chef.
- The Overnight Popularity of Online Food Ordering
While discussing how technology is shaping the food industry and evolving cooking style, we can’t avoid the overnight popularity of remote ordering. Indirectly, online food ordering and delivery apps are eliminating cooking practices. With the dominant use of apps like Uber Eats, anyone can order their favourite food online and get the delivery at their doorstep.
Moreover, global restaurants and fast-food chains like Domino’s and Mcdonald’s have developed personal food delivery apps to cater to the food demands. While customers can enjoy online payments, discounts, and at-home delivery options, food chains benefit from increased online visibility, elevated customer satisfaction, and lower expenses.
There’s also quite a surge in drone food delivery apps worldwide. Some of the biggest food delivery marketplaces are already practising drone deliveries.
The traditional kitchen has served homes for millennials and not centuries or years. However, with technological advancements in all sectors, the food industry is bound to evolve better. Not only in cooking, but technology has also penetrated producing (agriculture), processing, packaging, and promoting food items & beverages.
With this in mind, new trends and technology will transform the modern cooking style day by day. Just like the microwave initially was an out worldly invention and then became a family member in most houses, 3D printers, and robot chefs will become commonplace, too. To sum it up, software-controlled cooking is the future!