How Social Media Changed Our Relationships

The Internet expands our circle of communication but provokes loneliness.
Increased risk of relationship breakup
Social networking sites are not the best influence on romantic relationships. Researchers have found that the more often people visit such sites, the higher the risk of a breakup, and emotional or physical infidelity.
This is not the only study with similar results. Researchers have looked at the relationship between arguments and the use of different social networking sites and found little difference between Facebook*, Twitter, Christian dating app and other sites. One of the causes of discord is jealousy, which is not always unfounded.
It was the Internet that led to the emergence of the term “micro-changes”. This includes various manifestations of online flirting, including numerous likes. Of course, here much depends on the suspicion of the partner, but it is obvious: there were no social networks – there were no such problems.
Increased the severity of the breakup.
Former partners virtually pursue each other, checking the page of their current lovers, counting the likes, and trying on their deep thoughtful statuses. This makes it even harder to get over the breakup.
Making it easier to stay in touch read this
Even if family members are separated all over the world, it is easier for them to keep in touch: grandmothers can follow the achievements of their grandchildren, and adult children – always are in contact with elderly parents. Relatives can call in conference mode to chat.
At the same time, face-to-face and Internet communication begin to compete. However, they are not always equivalent. The latter excludes touch, which is also a way of expressing emotions. That is why it is important to strive for balance.
Communicating live, you see the emotions and reactions of the person, develop empathy and the ability to correctly assess the true meaning of the words of the interlocutor, and develop the skill to “read” people, to build correct communication.
You have widened your circle of communication.
At least potentially. Social networks allow you to communicate with a vast number of people from different corners of the world – if only you had a desire. You can correspond not only with a colleague or friend but also with the stars – some celebrities read and respond to comments themselves.
Networking made easier.
Networking just got easier. Before social media, it required active participation and networking at industry events. All of this works now. And you can also add people as friends on social networks, create cool posts in your feed, and occasionally comment on other people’s posts.
Not only does it give you the illusion of getting to know a person. You see more ideas and resources, you’re the first to know about interesting jobs, and you can ask professionals for their opinion when you have questions.
However, there are nuances here. As you build up social capital, the rich get richer. But those who have few connections find it difficult to develop relationships.
Increased loneliness.
The circle of communication becomes larger, but it does not relieve social network users from loneliness. Moreover, it can be “contagious”. According to research, if among your Internet friends someone is lonely, it can spread to you. And you’ll feel the effect – albeit lesser – from “friends of friends,” too.
Constant comparison of yourself with other users contributes to the feeling of loneliness. It seems to a person that everyone else’s life is more interesting. And in doing so, he spends his precious time watching the tape, in which he could have improved his own life.
Relationships with subscribers in many people are a priority. In social networks we can present an ideal image of ourselves, there is an opportunity to filter out flaws. Seeing people offline, and being yourself is becoming more and more difficult in society. That’s why relationships with those with whom you have managed to go through a lot are so valuable: they know who you are.
Complicated live communication
Quite often clients have begun to come up with this problem: on the Internet, it’s easy to be sociable, open, and relaxed, but when you meet in person, it all goes away.
People lose themselves, stop trusting themselves and see their true image – without retouching, without falsity, without Internet pretenses. It is very important that in real life there is no opportunity to pause to think of a joke or to respond with sarcasm. People have forgotten how to react instantly!
There is only one antidote: communicate more in person.