
How to choose a dissertation topic?

Doctoral programs culminate with the submission of a dissertation at the end of the program. There is nothing more rewarding than putting your hard work into practice and strengthening your skills in research. Besides being one of the most challenging parts of your degree, it can also be among the most rewarding. The following are a few of the approaches that have been successfully pursued by other students in choosing their dissertations topics in the past:


The best way to settle on a topic is to review your coursework. The topic you select for your dissertation must be relevant to that specific course. You should not worry about what the topic is; just make sure it is relevant to the course.

Make your topic into a one-sentence question.

Formulate a one-sentence question about your topic, and use this as the basis for your paper. It is important to have a very strong statement that can be used as the thesis statement of your dissertation. You don’t have to write an entire dissertation without having any idea of what you want to write about. In fact, it would be better if you could narrow down your topic into one premise that you can explore in greater depth. Write down this premise in one sentence and start writing from there.

Consider well-researched topics

Consider topics that have already been covered but in which new knowledge has been added. When looking for a dissertation topic, one of the most important things to do is to look at what has been done before. This will give you an idea of what gaps in knowledge exist in the field, and it can also help steer you away from topics that have already been covered many times over. Look at previous research and see what has been done in the area; look at what ideas came up repeatedly or were left unexplored; understand how others have approached similar problems, and take note of where there is room for improvement or change, both within existing theories and methods as well as new ones that may not yet have been fully explored by other researchers.

Consider topics of wide interest.

Choose topics that are of wide interest, such as “The effect of climate change on the population size of polar bears.” You should choose a topic that is relevant to your course and one that is of wide interest. Make sure that you are interested in the topic. A good dissertation is one where the student feels passionate about it and has an idea they want to share with others. You should also consider how easy it will be to research your topic and how much time it might take for you to write about this idea. When choosing a dissertation, make sure that it’s something you can write about, not just something interesting or relevant enough for others’ interests, the same goes for students who are worried about their assignments, consult reliable assignment writing services.

Select a thesis that appeals to your audience.

Try to keep in mind your audience’s interests when selecting a thesis. As you begin narrowing down your topic, it’s important to consider what your audience will be interested in. Remember that you are writing for them. They may become confused or lose interest altogether if you go too far off-topic. Ask yourself: “What do my readers want to know? What questions do they have about this topic? What is their level of expertise? How much background knowledge do they have on this subject?” These questions will help guide you as you decide what information is relevant for your dissertation and how much detail is needed for different parts of the project.

Show some curiosity

Take on a curious attitude! If you can’t find a dissertation idea that excites you and needs help, look at things from a different angle or field. Deciding on a topic can be tough. If a dissertation topic isn’t working for you, try one of these ideas:

  • Look for something that interests you and that you can talk about with passion.
  • Look for a topic within your area of expertise that will allow you to learn something new. This can be an opportunity to explore something that is currently unknown or not well understood in your field or simply something that has been overlooked by other scholars in the past.
  • Try brainstorming topics based on your own professional experience or personal interests (e.g., hobbies).

Examine the subject from different perspectives 

Consider choosing two or more topics that examine the subject from different perspectives. This strategy can be helpful because it allows you to discuss how others have approached your chosen subject and how their work has influenced your own thinking about the topic in question.

Suppose you are struggling with a particular theme for your dissertation. In that case, this method may also help you generate ideas for papers that can be used as examples of how other scholars have analyzed similar issues.


So there you have it. If you’re looking for dissertation topics, there are more than enough options out there. It’s important to do some research before deciding on one so that you can ensure that it will fit into your field of study and allow you to do what needs to be done. 

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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