
How to Choose Your Internet Download Speed

Before connecting to the home Internet, the user should choose the connection speed. Operators offer different tariff packages with different Internet connection speeds. In this article, you’ll learn what the connection speed depends on and how to choose the right tariff plan. 

What Is Internet Connection Speed?

Internet connection speed is the main characteristic of a home connection to the global network. It determines how much information a subscriber receives per unit of time on their device. This value is measured in megabits per second. The critical point is that the user not only downloads information from the Internet but also uploads it to the network. Thus, the speed of the Internet divides into two sub-characteristics:

  • Download speed is a characteristic that denotes how fast the subscriber receives information.
  • Transmission speed is the bandwidth for outgoing traffic.

Usually, the value of both of these characteristics is different: the download speed is higher than the transmission speed. It can vary from 1 Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s. What then is a good Internet speed? A good download speed is at least 100 Mbit/s. At that speed, you can easily watch movies on Netflix and YouTube videos or even play online games on multiple devices simultaneously. 

However, the Howly experts claim that no matter how good your download speed is, sometimes crashes happen. For example, what should you do if your TV show freezes at the most interesting moment? Or you urgently need to find important information for your presentation tomorrow, but the download speed leaves much to be desired. If this is the case, you should immediately turn to the Howly experts for help. You only need to write a message, and the high-class professionals will solve your problem in the next 15 minutes.

Such Different Internet Connections

To avoid getting the wrong download speed, you need to understand the types of connections. Today, there are many ways to connect various gadgets and devices to the Internet. For a complete understanding, it is worth considering the most common ways to connect to the network:

  • Mobile. It uses the cell phone operator’s network to transmit data. As a result, the connection speed is higher than for satellite communication but usually has a limit on the amount of received and sent traffic.
  • Wi-Fi hotspots. These sites provide network access via a wireless local area with the help of a router, which then connects to an Internet service provider. In addition, there are telephone, freestanding, commercial, or free access points.
  • Dial-Up. To use the network, subscribers should join a telephone line to their device. But unfortunately, with the analog type of connection, you can’t make or receive phone calls through your home phone service while on the Internet. So it’s not surprising that Dial-Up has long lost its relevance, even though it used to be one of the most popular Internet connection types.
  • Broadband. High-speed network connectivity is provided by cable and telephone companies. It’s one of the fastest connection types because it uses several data channels to transmit large amounts of information. 
  • DSL. It uses an existing two-wire copper telephone line connected to the house. Thus, the provider delivers services simultaneously as a landline telephone service. Users can make calls while on the network.
  • Cable. Subscribers connect to the Internet with a cable modem over cable TV lines. Cable modems provide high-speed access to the network. Consequently, this type of connection is very popular with users.
  • Satellite. In areas without a broadband connection, you can use satellite Internet. Here subscribers use a modem to connect to the network, just as with wireless access.
  • ISDN. It allows you to transmit data, video, and audio content over digital telephone lines or standard telephone wires. To access the Internet, you must install an ISDN adapter on both the user and ISP sides.

Helpful Tips on Choosing the Download Speed

Operators offer their customers different tariff plans. First, the plan’s cost depends on the connection speed. Basic tariffs with a minimum Internet connection speed are the cheapest, and those with the highest speed are the most expensive. Long story short, a tariff plan depends on how and for what purposes the subscriber will use the Internet. And below, you’ll find some valuable tips for choosing an appropriate one.

✔️ According to Netflix, streaming Full HD content requires 5 Mbit/s, and streaming 4K Ultra HD content requires 25 Mbit/s (megabits per second). However, you should also remember that the speeds need to be even higher if you want to connect multiple devices simultaneously. The same rule applies to other streaming and game streaming services like Twitch. 

✔️ Multiple devices require more bandwidth, as mentioned above. Remember that if you plan to stream 4K video content with various devices connected to your network simultaneously, you should think carefully about a suitable data plan. You’ll need a tariff plan that offers higher download speeds, such as 200 Mbit/s. 

✔️ Use gigabit speeds (1,000 Mbit/s) if necessary. Serious data hogs require higher speeds and more bandwidth. Gigabit rate plans are your best bet for a home connection.

✔️ Know your speeds. You can use unique speed-testing apps to determine your Internet connection speed and whether your provider is cheating. In other words, does your bandwidth match the cost of your tariff plan?

✔️ Check your Wi-Fi connection. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for connectivity failures to be caused by your home network, not the provider’s fault. However, if you want your Wi-Fi to run faster, you can always contact the experts at Howly for an online consultation. 


So, choosing Internet speed is not as simple as it seems at first glance or as the ISPs want to present it. Experts agree that you first need to consider the number of devices simultaneously connected to your network and the purpose of using the connection. If your top interests are streaming and web surfing, then there’s a need for multiple resources. For streaming 4K video or online gaming, choose more bandwidth, which costs more. Lastly, periodically analyze your network speed so you don’t overpay your ISP if it doesn’t match your data plan.

Author’s Bio

Christine Tomas is a tech expert, consultant, and aspiring writer. She writes for different news portals and thematic blogs that helps her stay at the heart of the programming and technology news. Such work gives her the opportunity to write articles on the most relevant topics today.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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