
How to Create a Secure Digital Infrastructure? A Step-by-step Guide for CISOs

“Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.” – Alan Perlis.

With every new technological development, the cybersecurity part of the business becomes complicated. CISOs and their cybersecurity team find it an uphill task to address the increasing complexity of combating sophisticated cyber threats. As we continue exploring the depths of digital technological advancement, securing the same technologies with cyber security services is paramount.

To help CISOs navigate the labyrinth of interconnected systems, applications, and devices while managing complexity and security considerations to build a cyber-resilient posture for your business, we have created a useful guide for CISOs that will help them mitigate the risks associated with digital networks having a weak cybersecurity posture.

Let’s explore the five primary steps that will help protect your IT environment from being attacked by modern cyber threats.

Step 1: Taking Stock of All Your IT Environment Assets

You can only implement effective cyber-resilience strategies when you are aware of all things that need to be covered under the umbrella of your cybersecurity measures.

What this means is that you must be aware of all the various types of devices that are connected to your IT infrastructure at all times. Everything from managed devices, IoT, users’ own devices to unmanaged devices must be included in your inventory. A firm that offers cyber security managed services is best equipped to do that.

Insights on the level of risk that these assets may pose to the business and how prone they may be to cyber-attacks can help you devise an all-encompassing strategy.

Step 2: The C-suite Should Actively Take Part in Cybersecurity Measures

Any data breach has far-reaching implications for any organization. If your board of directors is aware of the cyber threat risks involved and how cyber-resilience can reduce the data breach chances, they are more likely to support the measures for deploying technical security measures, resulting in faster implementation.

Step 3: Retaining Top Talent is of Utmost Importance in the Current Era

CISOs are always struggling to keep their best cybersecurity experts associated with their organizations. It’s essential to leverage the best practices and tools that utilize automation and machine learning capabilities to mitigate the dangers of modern-day cyber threats.

You can either have your existing staff be equipped with the latest tools, technologies and skill sets to deliver higher value to your clients. Another alternative is outsourcing your cybersecurity requirements to an experienced third-party managed security service provider (MSSP) that offers cyber security services for small businesses.

Step 4: Build Robust Security Fundamentals

Cybersecurity has a very large scope, and not all of the risks and security alerts are of the highest priority. Neither do all the assets pose a significant threat to your business operations.

That’s why it’s key to understand the future effectiveness of tools and technologies and whether they cover the cybersecurity requirements of your business’s critical infrastructure. Creating a solid cybersecurity foundation is key to the long-term success of your business with a security-first approach.

Step 5: Proactive is the Way Ahead

With the proliferation of zero-day threats and newer, more sophisticated cybersecurity threats, reactive approaches to cybersecurity are no longer effective in safeguarding organizations and their networks.

An evolution in the processes implemented by companies is required so that a proactive cybersecurity posture based on advanced cybersecurity approaches like SIEM, threat hunting, etc., can improve the productivity of security teams, mitigate data breaches, and create security policies that can deliver effective results across functional teams and operations.

On a Final Note…

Although it may seem to be a complex problem to deal with, incorporating cyber-resilience becomes relatively easy with the cooperation of all the relevant stakeholders of the business.

You can break down the barriers in the implementation of security measures for building a secure digital infrastructure by making your teams and other stakeholders aware that cybersecurity is not a single team’s problem. It requires collective efforts from entry-level employees to C-suite and third-party vendors.

Think it is too much to handle? You can outsource your cybersecurity requirements to a trusted managed security service provider (MSSP). They possess the expertise and the experience that CISOs are looking for and can help them construct a digital infrastructure, robust in cyber security services.

James Morkel

Tech website author with a passion for all things technology. Expert in various tech domains, including software, gadgets, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Dedicated to simplifying complex topics and providing informative and engaging content to readers. Stay updated with the latest tech trends and industry news through their insightful articles.

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