How To Do A Basic Tarot Reading For Yourself Or A Friend
Free money tarot reading is one of the ways to feel connected to the universe. If you have ever been to a session with a psychologist, you know that a good specialist will not give advice or tell you exactly what to do. He will ask questions and listen, and you will already come to the truth yourself. Tarot cards, on the other hand, tell you exactly what you need to do. ( They prompt the right thoughts, and you decide to take an important step.
By asking a specific and really important question for you, you often already know — or rather, intuitively feel — the answer, or at least the direction of the situation. There are many opinions about free money tarot reading. The biggest difficulty is, of course, making a tarot card reading for yourself. When you make a layout for yourself and then analyze it, you have some kind of internal state. Let’s say, conditionally, good, conditionally say, not very good, pessimistic. And when you look at the cards from this state, you read them pessimistically.
What is the Process of Tarot Card Reading?
A free money tarot reading session looks something like this — you choose the card that best matches your current emotional state and formulate your problem or question. Then remember what is drawn on the map, close your eyes and tell a story through a free associative series. The therapist acts as a guide — asking you leading questions and writing down your feelings.
Among the huge number of interpretations, it is with your heart that you will understand which one is applicable specifically to this particular situation under study with this particular person. The same card can have different meanings. Among the advantaged of free tarot card session we can see the following:
- Through divination on free tarot card, you can get an unexpected clue, and thus avoid an unfavorable development of the situation.
- People who do not want to sit back under the pressure of circumstances, turning to a fortuneteller for advice, may begin to act unpredictably, which will confuse ill-wishers and deprive them of their advantage in case of malicious intent.
- Finance tarot reading can help you to understand the most appropriate time for making money. You can look at your life situation with different eyes, which will be saving for a person who is too immersed in his version of reality.
- We can use tarot reading not for money only but to develop the mind, but this must be learned, including from one’s own experience.
- Fortune telling on еarot cards can reveal such causes of events, by influencing which you can change the situation, which seemed extremely difficult. Such fortune-telling is easily verified by experience, and they are convincing.
Reading free tarot is not bad. They help us understand what is going on in confusing times; learn to practice self-love. But when people use tarot readings to hold on to the past, problems arise from that. They begin to put off life for later and see some ‘signs’ in everything.