
How to Fix a Bad Instrument Cluster

Instrument Clusters are a must-have in a vehicle. They provide you with a wealth of information for when you need it most, such as GPS, speedometer, and more. However, they can also be a nightmare when they don’t work right – messing up your trips and getting you into bad situations! Read on to find out how to fix this problem.

What are the symptoms of a faulty Instrument Cluster?

When the Instrument Cluster is not working properly, it can make driving difficult. Luckily, there are ways to fix a faulty Instrument Cluster. Check out these signs of a faulty Instrument Cluster and how to fix them.

How do I know if my Instrument Cluster needs repair?

To determine if your instrument’s cluster repair is needed, you can check the power and airbag lights. If these lights are all on, or one light is burnt out, then your instrument cluster has a problem. You can get a professional to repair this for you by taking it into them or you can do it yourself if you’re confident with automotive tools.

What problems can happen during repairs?

Though no replacement is possible, a good instrument cluster can help you with your journey. The problem can be fixed in a few minutes by following these steps: Clean the unit, don’t let it soak in water.

Don’t go for cheap parts or cheap “clones”. The replacement of cheap parts may lead you to more problems or worse, with no way to fix them. The replacement is an expensive job, the cheapest replacement should be checked by an expert first.

The instrument panel can be replaced for a good price, but should not be done by the customer. It requires some experience and tools but can be done by experienced people. Be aware that some repairs like the replacement of the instrument panel are not always necessary, as the instrument panel may have been changed by a previous owner because of a defect, or for aesthetic reasons. In some cases, it is even possible to fix some faults by adjusting some settings on the instrument panel.

How do I repair an Instrument Cluster?

First, inspect the Instrument Cluster for any cracked or broken pieces. If the pieces are intact but need to be replaced, you will need to order parts online. When ordering parts online, make sure to write down your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) in case you need to return the Instrument Cluster later.


With many automotive companies relying more and more on computerized clusters, it’s no wonder that they’re becoming more and more flawed. Here are some of the most common reasons for bad instrument cluster screens, which can be fixed with some quick, inexpensive fixes.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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