Life Style

How to Get Rid of Dust Mites in Your Home and Keep Allergies at Bay

Dust mites are microscopic creatures that can infest your home and make you sick. It can be dreadful for people with allergic issues because dust mites are not directly harmful- only their dead bodies can create many health complications- including coughing, breathing difficulty, itching, etc. 

But there are ways you can stop their infestation. You don’t even have to use any chemicals. Here’s how you can get rid of dust mites in your home. 

Regularly Clean Your House 

Dust mites are living on your dead skin. Yes, you shed enough dead skin every day to feast at least a million dust mites. Scary, right? That is why you have to clean your house regularly. By doing that, you will cut their food chain. It is impossible to trace all your skin flakes; make sure you frequently clean where dust clouds tend to accumulate the most. 

Change & Clean Your Beddings 

A bed is another hot zone for dust mites. So, you must regularly change and clean your beddings. Try to dust your bed every day- you must clean your bedsheets, pillow covers, blankets, and covers at least once a week. Use hot water to wash them. It will be particularly- good if you use detergent with allergen-reducing ingredients. Clean your mattress with a steamer. 

Regularly Clean your Carpets and Curtains 

Carpet, curtains, and other soft furnishing contain your dead skins and other dust as well as the dust mites. Regularly cleaning your- carpets, curtains, a sofa is a must. You can mix allergen-reducing detergents in hot water and clean your curtains with them. But it can be particularly- hard to clean your sofa and carpets. You can use a vacuum cleaner in that case. 

Use Allergen-proof Bed Mattress Covers 

You might not be able to kill dust mites directly, but you can- certainly starve them to death. It is not practical to clean your mattress and pillows every week. But once dust mites start an infestation, it tends to be impossible to get rid of them. But, what you can do is put a barrier between them and you. Thus, they won’t be able to feast on you. All you have to do is cover your mattress with allergen-proof covers. 

Use Damp Cloth While Dusting 

Dusting your home with a damp cloth is another great way to get rid of dust mites. Because when you clean dust with a wet cloth, the chances of spreading are very low. A damp cloth will rinse all the dust from your place without stirring them up. Use it to clean your furniture.  

Reduce Your Home Temperature and Humidity 

Dust mites live and breed perfectly between 68- and 77-degrees Fahrenheit. They love high humidity; they prefer 70% to 80% humidity levels. You can use this against them. You will make their life unbearable by lowering the temperature and humidity of your home. If you lower the temperature to below 65 degrees F and humidity level to 40%, it will be impossible for them to sustain. They will not die instantly, but they will have a slow death.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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