How to Make Stunning Social Media Videos
If you’re constantly dealing with a continual influx of social media content, you know it can be overwhelming and challenging to find your voice in the online sphere. Whether through your own personal social media channels or company-wide, incorporating videos into your marketing strategy is crucial for connecting with the right audience. With that in mind, here are some guidelines for creating successful video content that accomplishes exactly what you want from it.
Here’s How to Make Stunning Social Media Videos?
1. Incorporate a variety of different styles
One of the biggest things you can do is use various video styles so your viewers never get bored and stay engaged. This can include using everything from a traditional talk show format to more adventurous, DIY-style videos – the options are truly limitless. You can also use an online video editor to add different styles and filters to your videos.
2. Keep it short and sweet
When creating videos for your social media accounts, there are two main things to keep in mind: spirit and tone. While it might seem like you’d want to include as much as possible in your video, remember that brevity is key here. You want to get the point across in a concise, impactful way – it’s better to have them watch multiple videos than to leave your audience confused or lost.
3. Use a professional approach
When creating videos for any marketing channel, it pays to consider yourself a brand ambassador. This means taking your time to craft something meaningful and engaging and using the same brand voice you would in any other situation, including social media messaging.
4. Know your audience
While this tip sounds like an obvious one, knowing who you’re making these videos for is even more important than you’d think. For example, suppose you’re a celebrity with a dedicated Instagram account and want your followers to connect with you. In that case, creating videos that feature behind-the-scenes content is probably the wrong way to go about it. This kind of content is great for fans who are already interested in what you’re doing and might even entice new ones through your relationships.
5. Be consistent
Consistency pays off on a personal level, but it’s also the key to success in any marketing strategy. By consistently showing up and always making use of the same kinds of content, you can quickly build up a following who trusts what you’re saying, increasing your engagement and reach.
6. Create a compelling message
Social media content isn’t like TV or traditional print media, so it’s essential to make sure your videos have a clear message and an audience that can connect with them. This means involving real people as much as possible, just by taking the time to talk with them about what’s on their minds – you’ll likely find that this approach is more effective than simply reading from a script.
7. Stay true to your brand voice
When creating content for your social media accounts, it’s best to keep in mind the “brand voice” that you have already established over the years (whether on or offline). You don’t want just to keep rehashing the same thing on social media – after all, it’s the very reason you’re using that voice in the first place! Instead, be creative with incorporating your brand voice into your content – either by playing with format and style or working it into the action directly.
8. Write copy as if it were a script
Rather than trying to cram everything you want to say into a short and sweet video clip, consider writing out a script for yourself to follow. This will help you stay on point throughout the process, but it’ll also ensure that you can cut out all of the fluff, which will make your video much stronger and more compelling.
9. Look for an interesting story angle
This allows you to keep your content fresh and engaging, but it also gives your potential viewer a reason to stick around for longer (rather than just scrolling past). If you’re using social media to connect with your audience or promote a brand, there’s almost no better way to do it than with videos.
10. Use a personal angle
When you’re creating videos on social media, one of the best ways to grab your audience’s attention is by appealing to their emotions. While this might sound difficult at first, you’ll be surprised at the results you can get with just a little bit of effort. For example, if you want to convey an idea or share an interesting fact, consider finding a unique way to add a personal touch.
11. Tell a story
This approach is great for social media because people already love a good story – especially when it’s told other than simply reading out the facts. When you’re creating social media content, an excellent place to start is by thinking of some kind of story that you can share with your viewers – not only will this set the scene, but it’ll also make them want to stick around and see how things play out. Over time, you’ll find that this kind of “storytelling” will naturally become part of your social marketing strategy.
12. Use Humor
A funny video can get hundreds of shares, especially on social media channels. The more people you can reel in with a funny video, the better (and faster) your reach will grow. Create something that is so absurdly funny it can’t possibly be real – then you’ll be able to win over a ton of fans in a brief period.
If you are willing to invest enough time into your social media marketing, you will be able to reach out to hundreds and thousands of people. It’s finding the right platform and knowing how best to post the content.
If you choose to go down the video route, keep these tips in mind as your guide for branded social media videos.