
How to Paint by Numbers: A Step By Step Guide

There are a few rules for coloring a canvas. You will have no trouble remembering them, because they are extremely logical and functional, and they are already suggested to anyone painting by numbers common sense and convenience. These are as follows:

  1. From light to dark

By painting over the white, yellow, blue, or pink areas at the beginning, you avoid accidental blots. After all, it’s much easier to erase or cover a pastel shade with another color than a bright or dark one.

  1. Draw large parts first, then small ones

If you try to paint all large parts of a picture first, you can not only avoid the blots and smudges mentioned above, but you can also later properly set nuances and trace small parts, putting the right strokes and highlights. This will make it easier to compare small details with the main semantic spots of the picture.

  1. Start from the center and work your way to the edges

This way you don’t smudge a painting already painted on the edges with your shirt sleeve or your elbow. It’s in the middle of the picture that classic painters place their main image, be it a hut in a landscape or a vase of fruit in an appetizing still life.

  1. Draw from the bottom up

This method of moving across the canvas also allows you not to erase the paints already applied with your elbows, they will dry out as you apply, and when you reach the bottom edge, the top of the painting will be almost dry.

  1. Store your paints properly

Close the lids on the paints tightly. There is no way to rehabilitate a dried-out one, and your painting will be like a jigsaw puzzle without the piece, without the right hue. In some kits, the colors are represented not in plastic cans but in tubes. They do not allow pigments to dry much longer. Such packaging is preferable if the picture is large and you can take long breaks in painting. Excess paint can be used for other paintings.

For initial studies, inexpensive sets with a cardboard base are preferable. The cardboard absorbs excess paint well. Canvas is more difficult to handle, but the paintings are textured. Numbers and borders of sectors on canvas can be monochrome or multicolored. The second option is recommended for children with visual impairments.


Question: How can I purchase a set of paintings by number?

Answer: Paintings by number are sold in online stores and regular stores. You just need to choose a suitable kit and place an order at your address.

Question: Sets differ in price. How do they differ?

Answer: Some cheap sets for painting do not include a stretcher. You have to buy it separately. Frames are divided into fixed and modular. The first is designed for acrylics. Modular stretchers are expensive. Their design allows you to strengthen the tension of the canvas if it suddenly sags. And it can sag if you use oil paint, which creates a heavy crust after drying on the canvas.

Question: How many brushes are there in an issue?

Answer: The number of brushes in a kit for painting by number varies, as well as size and purpose. Artists’ tools are made of natural wool, usually a column, or synthetic fibers. And the second option is not bad if you use acrylic paint. Brushes are too soft and very absorbent, that’s why they are perfect for watercolor paints. For oil paints, it is better to use brushes with coarse hair.

Question: What kind of paint is in the sets? Are not harmful to the health of children?

Answer: The most common paint in sets with numbers is acrylic. Shelf life is 3-5 years at +15-25 ° C but provided that the container is airtight. Therefore, when buying a kit, make sure that the containers are free of leaks. For long-term storage of acrylic, the jars are either tightly screwed or have a snap mechanism. Paints are completely environmentally friendly they have no harmful components or concentrates.

Question: How do I choose a painting?

Answer: the first thing to consider is the complexity of the painting. You can determine the parameter by the number and size of sections on the canvas, and by the number of colors. Simple paintings consist of a lot of large and a small number of medium-sized sections. These are fauna, flowers, and humorous subjects. Images of medium complexity include large, medium, and a small number of small sections. These are landscapes, still life. Complex paintings consist of a huge number of medium and small sections. These are architecture, portraits, and religious subjects. A beginner should not take up complex variants, you should first get a knack for it.

Question: How to prepare the space for drawing?

Answer: For the lesson, you should additionally prepare a piece of paper to cover the table, a cup with water to wash brushes, a palette, and a tissue for removing paint. If desired, you can buy an easel. It is important to take care of comfortable lighting, bright but not blinding your eyes. If it’s a bright day, and the easel is near a window, then additional sources of light are not needed. In other cases, a lamp is required.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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