
If an Insurance Company Offers to Settle, Why Do I Need a Lawyer? 

You can legally accept an offer from an insurance company without having a lawyer on your side. However, it isn’t something that any good car accident injury lawyer in San Antonio would recommend you do. A great attorney will read over the complex legal language and make sure you’re getting the offer you deserve.

Why Accepting a First Settlement Offer May Not Be Best

Once a person signs a settlement offer, they are agreeing that they won’t pursue further legal action for compensation. It’s in the best interest of the insurance company to present and gather information to justify the lowest offer possible. It’s also in the insurance company’s interest to secure a fast settlement so they don’t have to dedicate more resources. They know that car accident victims want the ordeal to be done, and they’re quick to take advantage of that.

However, you can almost always negotiate a settlement offer and submit a demand letter with evidence that you deserve more. The insurance company also wants to avoid court, and it is in their best interest to listen to you. Often, the legal jargon intimidates people out of doing this, which is where a personal injury attorney can help. Because they do this regularly, they know what supports a higher compensation offer and what a realistic settlement looks like.

How a Car Accident Injury Lawyer in San Antonio Can Help

Prep You for Conversations

An insurance claim adjuster’s job is to ask questions that will hopefully provide evidence to support a low settlement offer. It’s recommended that you always consult with a lawyer first. They’ll be able to tell you what you need to legally disclose and what you don’t. It’s in your best interest to tell them as little as possible.

It may also be in your best interest to tell them specific things, like information about your medical bills. There may also be topics you are legally obligated to tell them. Depending on the situation and your preference, your lawyer can prep you, or they can talk to the company with you. Sometimes having an attorney handle the conversation can save you a lot of headaches and money down the road.

Help You Decide What To Sign

As a general rule, don’t ever sign anything the insurance company gives you without having your lawyer read it first. Complex legal language can make it hard to know what you’re truly agreeing to. Your lawyer can see what tricks may be written into the language and warn you of them.

You may be signing a paper that agrees you won’t pursue further compensation or legal action. If you are, you want to be very sure you know what you’re agreeing to.

Gather Evidence 

A great personal injury attorney will help you collect the right kind of evidence that will support a higher compensation offer. This may include photos from the accident and photos of your injuries or property damage after. It may also include witness testimony from bystanders at the scene or people who’ve witnessed your suffering after. It can also include copies of your bills, pay stubs, reports from first responders, and documents from your mechanic.

Determine What Fair Compensation Looks Like

Fair compensation from the insurance company will include everything the insurance policy mentions covering. Legally, this should include compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage.

When you hire a good lawyer in Texas, they will spend a fair amount of time discussing the accident and its repercussions with you. They’ll be looking to find out everything you’ve gone through, so they can find every area you deserve to be compensated for. This is why people purchase insurance, but we need good attorneys to make sure every point is covered.

Demand Letter

Everything above is preparation work to get up to this point. Your attorney will write a proper demand letter to the insurance company that includes a compensation amount. This demand letter will cover why the insurance company is liable and the extent of your injuries. It will also cover medical treatments and expenses, financial losses, and other relevant information the attorney discovered.

This first demand letter can be one of the most important steps in the process of receiving proper compensation. For the insurance company is can help them justify paying more than they originally offered. The best personal injury attorneys are very detailed with this kind of work. For more information, click here to learn about a leading personal injury attorney in San Antonio and how they help.

Multiple Rounds

It’s possible that your lawyer will send a demand letter and the insurance company will be good to go after one round of negotiation. It’s also possible that your lawyer may negotiate on your behalf for multiple rounds.

You will always have the option to accept whatever settlement the company is offering. However, your lawyer will be attempting to negotiate the best they can for you. This may take time.

You are never obligated to accept the first settlement offer an insurance company sends your way. It’s often in your best interest to have a lawyer look into your situation and negotiate on your behalf. Ultimately, the reason you would need a lawyer is to take some of the responsibility off your shoulders. They can understand the legal jargon and let you know what the most realistic compensation you can hope for is. 

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