‘Infinity War’ Almost Had A ‘Wandavision’ Post-credit Scene With Vision In A Body Bag

Infinity War almost had a post-credits scene sparking WandaVision. In 2018, Marvel Studio began developing what would become its Disney + shows, which included bringing Marvel Cinematic Universe characters back from the big screen to the small screen.
One of the first shows that were talked about was one that would bring back Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff. Jac Schaeffer joined to begin writing the series in January 2019, so the seeds were planted long before its premiere in 2021.
In a new interview with Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany, the two MCU actors were able to ask each other questions. Olsen began by asking Bettany if she ever thought she could return to the MCU after Vision was killed in Avengers Infinity War. He admitted that he only had a “10-15%” chance that Vision would return, which seemed to surprise Olsen. He went on to tell her about a post-credits Infinity War scene that didn’t make the cut. Bettany explains.
“At one point it was going to be on a label, where you opened a kind of body bag drawer and there was the Vision Kevin spoke to me and said, ‘I have to pull the shots.’ I was like, ‘Ugh!’ Because I really wanted that profit share (laughs) “.
Paul Bettany started his MCU career as JARVIS in 2008. Man of Steel, which got him going. Bettany has been involved with the MCU from the beginning and felt like her time had come to an end. The actor told Elizabeth Olsen that he thought he was going to be fired when Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige took him to a meeting about what WandaVision would be. After the events of Infinity War, Bettany was certain that her time in the MCU was over.
To make things more comfortable for everyone, Paul Bettany decided to attend his meeting with Kevin Feige and others to tell them that he had enjoyed his time working with them. The actor thought it would ease tensions. “So I went in, and I didn’t want anything to be awkward between everyone because it was a great time. So I walked in and said, ‘Kevin and Louis [D’Esposito, Marvel Studios co-president], I love you.
I totally understand it. It was a great race and no hard feelings, ‘” recalls Bettany. He continues: “And Kevin said, ‘Wait, are you going to quit? ‘And I said,’ No, you’re not firing me? ‘ And he said, ‘No, we were going to present you a TV show.’
Infinity War ended on a rather bleak note and seeing Vision, who technically died twice in the movie, in a body bag would have been very dark. So now, MCU fans are looking at WandaVision for answers on how the character seems to be alive again.
Most of the theories revolve around a dream that Wanda is having, but which has not yet been confirmed. You can watch the interview with Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen above, thanks to the YouTube IMDb channel.