Website Review

Is Videogamehomeda Scam Or Legit Information about Videogamehomeda

Do you enjoy playing video games? Do you wish to buy a game? If so, we have the perfect site for your needs. Videogamehomeda is a website that sells video games and consoles in the United States. You can shop from this site by reading this article Is Videogamehomeda Scam Or Legit.

Information about Videogamehomeda

Below are some links to useful information. You can read the following to learn more about our website.

  • Website Formation: Videogamehomeda created 18 April 2022
  • Registrar Videogamehomeda’s registrar was LLC
  • Trust Score Videogamehomeda is a low-trust score of 1%
  • Social media: Videogamehomeda has a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account
  • Privacy policy – The shop’s website contains information about the privacy policy, return policy and terms and conditions.
  • Buyer’s comments We could not find any Videogamehomeda reviews on their official website.

Preface by Videogamehomeda

Videogamehomeda, an online store that sells PlayStation consoles and PlayStation, is a gaming console shop. They offer quality gaming products at a reasonable price.

Attributes Videogamehomeda

  • URL:
  • Email address: [email protected]
  • Telephone Number:
  • Headquarters address at 1108 Rumsey Dr, Columbus (Ohio, 43207), United States
  • Return policy: Customers are allowed to return their products within 30 days. However, no details will be provided for refund.
  • Shipping Time Customers can receive their products in between 4 and 7 days
  • Payment methods PayPal and Mastercard are just some of the payment options that customers have access to. American Express and Discover also make it possible for them to pay.

Positive attributes

  • You can find the email address as well as the headquarters address on our website


  • The website does NOT provide the phone number or refund scheme.

Videogamehomeda reviews

The shop’s official website does not have any reviews. There were some reviews that customers posted on the internet claiming it was a bogus website. Some customers complained that even though they paid the full amount, they did not receive any product. They were also scammed. We haven’t seen any reviews of the social media accounts.


This post summarizes that videogamehomeda has a poor trust score and is very new. We recommend buyers to conduct their own research about Is Videogamehomeda Scam, Legit. However, we do not recommend this.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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