
Jessica Meyers Attorney Jessica Meyers Attorney

Have you ever heard of Jessica Meyers? The defamation trial that is currently underway for the actor Johnny Depp continued the cross-examination on Monday. Depp was questioned by his Ex-wife Amber Heard on Day 4 of the trial. The lawyer for Amber Heard Ben Rottenborn read some negative reports regarding Depp and then asked him a couple of questions. The couple was well-known in several countries including that of the United States.

On Monday, some audio recordings and textual material were shown. Lawyer Jessica Meyer also presented some details. Let’s learn more the details about Jessica Meyer’s Attorney.

Who is Jessica Meyers?

Jessica Meyer is a Firm’s Arbitration and Litigation Practice Group’s assistant. She tries her best efforts to prove clients are not guilty. Jessica completed her studies at the School of Law Boston University. She focuses her practice on defamation cases and contracts, business torts and claims relating to bankruptcy. Jessica is a well-known lawyer for Johnny Depp in his ongoing trial.

Jessica was a witness in court on Monday, as one of Johnny’s lawyers. She went through a procedure where she read numerous recordings and chats, and his Client, Depp, has the clarification. There were a variety of audio clips and documents that were read at the trial.

Jessica Meyers lawyer

On Monday, various clips were shown, and the lawyer for Heard asked Depp numerous questions. After responding to the question, Depp went back for Jessica Meyer, one of his lawyers. Jessica played several audio clips, read a variety of texts, and then asked Depp to provide more context.

She was reading a text from 2013, in which Depp sent the actor Paul Bettany that “let’s burn Amber” and referred to the term “burnt corpse” to her. The actor was unhappy with last week’s admission of using this word and replied to the fact that Bettany and his relationship is due to his humor. They were texting them references to the drawing of the burning witches by Monty Python.

Jessica Meyers Attorney

Jessica was then questioned about the phrase “Monster” that was repeatedly employed, and Amber claimed that it is a description of Johnny when he is at his lowest. Depp replied that Amber created the phrase and that it reflects the battle he’s had to go through to remain sober for himself.

In another audio video clip, Depp was heard saying that he was in need of space and would like to go in the next audio clip, and Amber began crying and claimed she was stressed because of him. Depp repeatedly stated that he had never hurt the woman he was with, Amber Heard, and his relationship was broken after the conclusion of the relationship.

According to Jessica Meyers attorney , Depp specifically filed a lawsuit against Amber Heard over against op-ed for $50 million. According to Depp the op-ed was published two years following the time Amber filed for divorce and accusing him of physical abuse, has wrecked his career.


The article explains Johnny Depp’s attorney Jessica Meyers. The lawyer is well known attorney and tries her best to make sure her clients are innocent. She is a seasoned lawyer and lawyer. At present, Jessica is representing the defamation case of Depp.

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