Joel Cruz Scam What’s the Scam?

Have you ever been betrayed by the individual who you closely worked by or with someone who looked real? You might know precisely how humiliating and stressful it’s to be in such a circumstance.
If you observe, you’ll discover that individuals have an inborn inclination to trust. We tend to trust our family, friends, as well as the colleagues we have worked with for a few years.
But blindly trusting individuals includes a price. Thus, we bring you the information of such a case in thePhilippines. Thus, let’s see what Joel Cruz Scam is and that which was the course of this case.
Around Joel Cruz
He completed his graduation in 1986 in psychology but decided to venture out to the fragrance market.
Joel was motivated and inspired by his parents, who had been into business themselves. Together with his company Aficionado Germany Perfume, he left his name in the Philippinesbut abandoned his mark at the global industry.
What’s the Scam?
To be exact and as per the resources, the Joel Cruz Scam began when Joel Santos Cruz’The Lord of Scents’ chose to associate with another business person from Brunei, Kathlyn Dupaya, called”Kathy,” for company purposes. The association between both began to sour when Dupaya didn’t pay Cruz the amount she owed.
As per the sources, Dupaya started to deceive Cruz by sending forged and fake deposit slips and transfer receipts via online trade. However, when verified by Cruz, they found that the claims of Dupaya’s online transactions to be located.
The scam by Dupaya began on December 5th of 2017 and lasted until Cruz chose to take legal actions against her by filing a swindling situation on May 24th, 2018. Together with Joel Cruz Scam out in the open many different people who Dupaya has scammed came out.
The End of the Case
As per the sources, together with the case lasting a while and many efforts at settlements, the legal system settled the scam by requesting Dupaya to compensate for the harm and stress she brought on by paying exactly what she owed to Cruz with attention. According to Cruz, she owed him approx.
She mentions that she is attempting to get financing and pay off her debts to him if they agree on reasonable conditions for interest. Let’s put our closing thoughts on Joel Cruz Scam.
This scam is a couple of years old scam. However, it is sad to remember that the case was not the limit to the scams that people have to face in a organization.
The fact that Cruz was not the primary person to be duped by Dupaya proceeds to demonstrate that such acts don’t stop. The situation could be a lesson and a warning to everybody out there have to know about traps.