
Kawana Jenkins Instagram – Get All the Details You Need Here!

To learn more about her misconduct at Fulton prison, read exclusive reviews about Kawana Jenkins Instagram.

Regular searches are conducted in prisons to ensure that prisoners do not have any prohibited items. Similar operations were conducted in a high-security prison located in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Surprisingly, some of the items found in the prison were not authentic.

Did you know that Kawana was fired because of evidence gathered during the shakedown? Let’s look at Kawana Jenkins Instagram news.

Video by Kawana Jenkins:

Jenkins’s clips attracted many viewers. The video is less than 1.1 megabytes in size and runs for approximately 00:00:16 secs. The sixteen second clip speaks volumes about Jenkins’ treatment of the prisoners.

The news reporters were shown the video. The video’s explicit content meant that only five seconds of it is available for circulation online. Jenkins was seen sitting in a chair with black upholstery in a room. As shown in the Kawana Jenkins Fulton County Video, this well-lit room looks more like a room with wooden furniture than a prisoner’s cell.

Jenkins is seated in front of a prisoner, who touches her upper body and moves his finger towards her mouth. Jenkins is seen putting his finger in the mouth of the prisoner and then kissing him on both the face and the lips. Jenkins’ behavior was not indicative of care for the prisoner, but something more serious. Jenkins gives Jenkins the Cartier brand designer glasses and the prisoner later asks Jenkins for them.

Discovery of Kawana Jenkins Reddit Video:

In late January 2023, the Fulton Prison was the scene of the shakedown. The officers took eleven cell phones and sharp objects from the Fulton Prison. The police discovered Jenkins’s video while checking the contents of a cell-phone. Reddit pages did not contain Jenkins videos (or) posts.

Sheriff Pat Labat fired Jenkins immediately and ordered Jenkins’ arrest for a variety of charges.

Jenkins is charged with

Jenkins, 36 years old, is a Fulton County Detention Officer who was appointed in December 2022. She was charged with

  • Two counts of inappropriate physical contacts, reckless conduct and cruelty to inmates were made. We found only three Kawana Jenkins Facebook videos and posts.
  • Five violations of the oath to office count,
  • One count of procuring prohibited items to the prisoner.


Jenkins’ misbehavior with the inmate is serious. This video showed the prisoner’s physical state and how they got banned items. Experts have pointed out that such an attitude poses a risk to other prisoners as well. Jenkins’s video was shared on social media and viewed thousands of times.

Did you find the details of Jenkins’s video helpful? Comment on this article about the Jenkins video.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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