
Kelly Galloway Colorado The Cause of death

Family members and friends lamented Kelly Galloway Coloradodeath. We have details about the cause and obituary of his death.

Are you aware that even the most deserving people are remembered and acknowledged after their death? To find out more, read our post. Kelly Galloway was a prominent doctor in the United States, who treated patients, especially children, regardless of financial situation. Many of his friends and family have expressed their grief over the death of Kelly Galloway Colorado. If you’d like to read more about Kelly Galloway, and what was the cause of his death, please continue reading.

Kelly Colorado and Obituary

Kelly Galloway is a well-known physician. Many people loved him. After a lengthy battle with cancer, he died on February 26th 2017. His family and close friends wrote his obituary and distributed it. Funeral services were held Friday, 3 March at the Portsmouth Boulevard Chapel of Sturtevant Funeral Home. Kelly’s last resting spot was at Olive Branch Cemetery following his death. Friends and family are welcome to offer their condolences at the funeral home on Thursday evening for Kelly Galloway Obituary Colorado.

We pray for all his loved ones in this difficult time. Those who knew him well and included him in their social circle will most likely miss him.

The Cause of death

Kelly Galloway died on 26 February 2017 after a lengthy battle with cancer. We are not aware of any reports or circumstances surrounding Kelly Galloway’s passing. The public will receive any information from his family if they have it.

Condolences for Kelly Galloway Colorado

We pray for God to grant those who have suffered loss the ability to continue living their lives. The loss of someone we love is something that can’t be compared. The Galloway family is in our deepest sympathy. We will remember them and keep them in mind, given the gravity of the situation. On the 29th of September 1953, he was born.


Kelly was a loving, dedicated Christian who had a zest to live. For Kelly Galloway Obituary Colorado time, we will cherish his warm smile and upbeat attitude. We are all missing him, and it is causing a deep void in our hearts. Vicky, Vicky’s wife of 37 years, their sons Jason & Parker, their grandkids Eliza & Devin, their brother John, Janice and Joane, as well as their mother Janice, are his survivors. Many people cherished Kelly will be missed by all who had the opportunity of getting to know him.


Kelly’s passing was deeply felt by all. Friends and relatives felt a deep loss when this beloved one passed away. Concerned individuals from Kelly Galloway Colorado went on social media to pay respects and send their condolences Kelly’s family. Do you feel for the family? You can comment in the section if you feel so!

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