
Krista Maureen Martin Obituary Who Was Krista Maureen Martin? How Did She Die?

Krista Maureen Martin was known for her vibrant spirit and unique philosophy of “Be Kind and Your Own Kind of Weird,” among many other attributes. Krista passed away peacefully at her Narragansett home at 44 on November 30, surrounded by loved ones; leaving behind joy, kindness and an indomitable spirit which touched so many lives along her path of life.

Who Was Krista Maureen Martin?

Born in Providence to Rita and Shawn Martin, Krista moved to Westerly at the age of three. A brilliant student and a passionate athlete, she graduated from Westerly High School in 1997, excelling in soccer, basketball, softball, and notably, the marching band. Krista’s early life was a testament to her diverse interests and talents, laying the foundation for her multifaceted journey.

What Were Krista’s Academic and Professional Achievements?

Krista’s pursuit of excellence led her to the University of Rhode Island (URI) to study electrical engineering, driven by her love for the subject and her passion for music. Her time in the Rhody marching, concert, and pep bands at URI was more than just an extracurricular activity; it was a gateway to lifelong friendships. Her academic journey took her to Munich, Germany, for a year, embracing her belief that “if you’re going to study engineering, you do it in Germany.” Krista’s professional career at the Department of Defense’s Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport was a reflection of her brilliant mind and patriotic spirit.

How Did Krista’s Love for Music and Travel Influence Her Life?

Krista loved music and travel as essential components of her life. Through bands like Incubus, Sevendust, and 311 she traveled the globe exploring music as well as immersing herself into various cultures while forging friendships that deepened her worldview and broadened her perspective, truly becoming a citizen of this global village.

What Was Krista’s Connection to the TV Show Supernatural?

Krista’s love for the TV show Supernatural went beyond mere fandom. She attended 87 conventions of the show by 2023, forming personal connections with the cast, crew, and fellow fans globally. Her dedication and love for the show were so profound that a Supernatural weekend in DC was named “KristaCon” in her honor when she was battling terminal illness.

Who Does Krista Leave Behind?

Krista’s family was her stronghold. She leaves behind her loving parents, Rita and Shawn Martin, her brother Shawn Michael, his wife Sara (her best friend), and their children Connor, Caleb, Owen, Natalie, and Andrew. Her 15-year housemate and close friend Aaron Douglas, along with several aunts, uncles, and cousins, will also deeply miss her.

How Did Krista Show Generosity Even in Her Passing?

In a final act of selflessness, Krista chose to donate her body to the Dana Farber “rapid autopsy” research program for Metastatic Melanoma research. This decision reflects her generous spirit and her desire to contribute to the greater good, even in death.

What is the “Krista Martin Band Geek Scholarship”?

Before her passing, Krista established the “Krista Martin Band Geek Scholarship” for Westerly High School. This scholarship aims to support students who share her passion for music and band. In lieu of flowers, donations to this scholarship are a way to honor her memory and support the causes she held dear.

How Can Friends and Family Pay Their Respects?

Visiting hours for Krista will be held on Friday, Dec. 8th, from 5-7 pm at Gaffney-Dolan Funeral Home in Westerly. Additionally, a Celebration of Life is scheduled for Sunday, Dec 10th, at Venice Restaurant in Westerly. Friends and family are invited to join and celebrate Krista’s life, sharing memories and the joy she brought into their lives.

What Can We Learn from Krista’s Life?

Krista’s life serves as a testament to kindness, the importance of living out one’s passions, and being true to oneself. Her journey embodies this message through academic excellence, music-and travel passions, as well as generous spirit – it serves as an inspiring testament for living fully while making positive contributions in society.

Krista Maureen Martin’s life was a beautiful tapestry of achievements, passions, and loving relationships. Her philosophy of kindness and embracing one’s uniqueness will continue to inspire those who knew her and those who will come to know her story. As we remember Krista, we celebrate a life well-lived, filled with love, music, adventure, and kindness.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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