Lawn Care During Outdoors Landscape Lighting in Jacksonville fl

Coming home to a beautiful yard with a well-kept lawn and blooming flowers can be therapeutic after a long day on Jacksonville’s busy streets. Professional outdoor lighting is an excellent way to liven up your evenings spent relaxing by the fireplace on your patio or on the lawn. Most homeowners, however, are concerned about whether installing an outdoor lighting system will damage their lawn. The good news is that you can easily find experts in landscape lighting in Jacksonville fl who can make it appear as if nothing has been moved.
What are the Possible Risks?
Installing light fixtures to support the lamps and burying wires that connect the lights to a power source are examples of landscape lighting activities. Wire burial is the most likely of these steps to damage your lawn. If you need to install lights on your lawn, you may have to dig up, in which case the level of damage depends on how skilled your lighting provider is.
Cables may interfere with lawn care or even cause electrical shocks if the job is not done correctly. An inexperienced landscaper may fail to secure the connection against wet conditions or use fixtures that make it difficult to perform lawn care carefully. There is also a chance that you will violate some lighting and landscaping Jacksonville FL regulations, such as light transpassing and not burying the cables to the legal depth.
Burry the Wires Correctly
Wires for outdoor lighting should be buried at least 6 inches deep. The wire should be kept away from potentially hazardous areas like shallow mulch beds, where it could cause an accident. If cables must pass through such areas, an expert can devise a quick and safe solution, such as using a protective conduit, to protect the wires. They will also connect your lights to the transformer in the most convenient and up-to-date manner possible.
Choosing the Correct Fixtures
Whatever your landscaping design, you can easily find lights that will highlight outstanding features on your lawn while not interfering with lawn care.
- In-Ground Recessed Lights:
In-ground lights, such as well lights, can be installed to prevent collisions with the lawn mower. Vertical features such as trees can be illuminated by in-ground lights.
- Pathway lights: Pathway lights
such as Bollard lights, can illuminate your lawn area while standing on the edges of your walkways.
- Suspended Lights:
String lights can also be interconnected and hung on trees or walls. String lights only need to be connected to a power source on one end, making them more compact and manageable.
- Distance Lighting:
Spotlights can illuminate objects from a distance without getting in your way. They have an adjustable illumination angle, allowing them to be placed anywhere near the object, including on walls and in the lawn area’s center.
These aren’t your only options; a certified landscape lighting expert can always come up with custom solutions based on your unique landscaping in Jacksonville Florida. If you properly install your outdoor lighting, neither the wiring nor the lights should be visible during the day. In order to prevent accidents and property damage, you must also inform your lawn care service provider of the newly installed lighting system.