All About AT-BERD 4000
AT-BERD 4000 is one of the latest modular test programs that is designed for the installation, maintenance and turning up of fiber optic networks. This is thus known as all-in-one integrated double bay solution and is linked with the certifications too. A T-BERD 4000 is a compact, small and handheld test platform that is designed for different phases network lifecycles right from the installation to the maintenance of Metro, access, core and enterprise as well as data center networks. The modular design also offers engineers, installers and technicians the best possible performance and superior based scalability as well as upgradeability.
Key Features of AT-BERD 4000
AT-BERD 4000 is easy to use within intuitive icon based graphical user-based interface and multi touch based screen too that needs minimal training as well. It is also combined with several functions in a compact solution. It is an important fiber tool that is integrated as well as supported with the visual fault locator and broadband power meter too. It is linked with OTDR simplified trace interpretation that is linked with Smart Link Mapper and clear view of the fiber link and it is dedicated with the applications for FTTH/PON, FTTx and FTTA enterprise as well as data center. AT-BERD 4000 also has flexible connectivity, and it is used for faster data transferring along with the use of USB, ethernet and it remotely coach as well as support the fields techs with Smart Access everywhere. Lastly, it comprises of the optimum workflow along with the operation within the platform or through the cloud of VIAVI too.
Applications of AT-BERD 4000
AT-BERD 4000 comprises of a full network lifecycle, and it is also linked with the activation, construction, troubleshooting as well as maintenance. The important fiber test along with OTDT testing is also used for full kind of analysis. One of the best applications is OTDR and selective power meters and other networks such as E-PON, G-PON, NG-PON2 networks too. Single mode as well as multimode tests for C-RAN and 5G deployments are also available.
Specification of AT-BERD 4000
AT-BERD 4000 is light weight having 1.4KG/3lbs. it also comprises of 9-inch-high visibility multi touch screen having permanent function keys too. The double modular platform is also linked with the field replaceable modules. The workflow management as well as guidance is used for error free testing. The report generation is on board kind of instrument, and it is conducted via PC/laptop. This is no doubt cost effective and compact too yet is linked with handheld platform. The cross compatibility of the modules is linked with T-BERD/MTS-2000 and –5800 test platforms too.
If you are worried about the return policy, exchange or even durability, no need to worry. GE Equipment works with complete dedication to ensure that no further issues can be raised, and no problem may arise. AT-BERD 4000 is thus one of the lates module that deals with full fledge efficiency and it is also linked with the complete solution of your production unit too.
Highlights of AT-BERD 4000
AT-BERD 4000 is a cost effective modular and has a handheld platform too. It is large and has a big display unit too. The connection is flexible, and it is linked with fiber features. It comprises of copper measurements and has VDSL as well as ADSL testing features. It uses a triple testing service and it also linked with automated scripting capability too. It has an integrated web browser too and this facility eventually allows you to work with flexibility. This is one of the best features provided by GE Equipment and today all the modules which are available are easy to use as well. User friendly modules help you in generating quality-oriented outcomes and this in the end makes a better future too.
Pick this, do a good study on it and compare it with other modules. Thеrе is a big diffеrеncе bеtwееn this and othеr modulеs. Today makе thе right dеcision and it will bе bеnеficial for your futurе too. Don’t compromise on this and you will see a big change in your production units!