
Lifelabs Strike Why it is in The news?

Dear readers, in this post, we’re going to look at one of the most significant companies that provide medical laboratory services that is located in Canada.

There are numerous booking options online on the site of Lifelabs. But do you know what’s going on in the company that is known for its finest medical laboratory services? Do you know the reason for which this strike was triggered? Learn more about this.

The Lifelabs Strike is taking place due to a lengthy dispute over contract with employers that couldn’t be resolved by employers.

What’s LifeLabs?

It is an Canadian company which has been operating for more than 50 years. The company runs over 112 million test the year to detect the presence of a disease or prevent infections. They perform standard lab testing Genetic, Naturopathic, and Genetic Testing.

Why it is in The news?

Employees of British Columbia LifeLabs have decided to launch a planned protest against their employers in the month of March 18th, 2022 starting at seven p.m. An notice of the strike in the form of an Lifelabs strike notification was delivered by the firm on Tuesday afternoon by the union representing employees in this company.

This occurred following the absence of results from the negotiations which took place for the past three days. The demands of the employees are simple and clear in that they won’t be working in overtime. Around 150 workers are expected to join this protest.

The issue with the payment is the biggest problem at the employee’s side. They would like the company to eliminate the gap in wage. However, the company states that all financial regulations were followed prior to the present refusal by employees of overtime.

A Brief Description About Lifelabs Strike

The reason is that employees at the company get paid (4.5 to 13.5) per cent less than those employed by the public health sector for the same job and they are performing their job without a agreement, they’re demanding fairness while the business declares the contrary.

The strike affects employees of the mailroom and courier departments of LifeLabs. The President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union stated that despite the efforts of its employees, the firm did not have the resources to pay the living wage to its workers. Negotiations were attempted, but did not get any result. We have to take the Lifelabs Strike.


Q.1 Can customers who are not from the area use the service offered through LifeLabs?

A.1No, you are not capable of accessing its service in any other country since the company’s office or headquarters within Canada exclusively.

Q.2 What is the reason people are employed by this company not paid enough?

A.3People work there due to the fact that it is a highly regarded firm, and is recognized by the state as an indispensable service for the state.

“The Final Word”

The quality of service offered by the firm is excellent however, the issue of negotiation about payment is the primary cause of the LifeLabs strike.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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