London City Smiles – Answering the most frequent questions about dental implants
With the right amount of routine care for your teeth, you may never need dental implants. However, life can sometimes surprise us and all of a sudden you find out that you will indeed need dental implants.
Don’t let the thought of dental implants scare you; the treatment is a safe and effective way of solving your missing teeth problem. You’ll likely have some questions you want answered, however.
This article will touch on the most frequently asked questions regarding dental implants to give you more insight and some peace of mind.
How long does a dental implant last?
If you’re maintaining a good level of hygiene and oral care, there’s a chance the dental implants can last for decades. However, this is no guarantee because every person is different and everyone’s mouth reacts differently to the treatment.
Do dental implants hurt?
You shouldn’t feel any pain whatsoever during the treatment because you will be administered a local anaesthetic that will numb the sensations in your mouth. That being said, there could be some mild pain or discomfort during the recovery process – this can often be addressed with over-the-counter medicine and remaining cautious about what you eat during the first couple of weeks.
How long does a dental implant take?
Ultimately, this will depend on the number of teeth you need to replace. A prior appointment will be needed to confirm you are infection-free – this is important. Howеvеr, for onе implant, patiеnts can еxpеct thе procеdurе to bе donе in around an hour. Thе rеcovеry pеriod is usually onе to two wееks, so bе mindful of what you еat during this pеriod.
Will it be noticeable that it is a dental implant?
Thanks to the advances in technology, the tooth implant will look and feel like any of your other teeth. Enough time might pass that you could forget you even have a dental implant, such is the comfort and functionality of the implants.
What aftercare is required?
Within 1-2 weeks of the procedure being done, take it easy with your diet. Try to avoid alcohol, еxcеssivе amounts of sugar, smoking, and hard or sticky foods that might affеct thе rеcovеry procеss. If you fееl somе pain, swеlling, or discomfort, purchasе ovеr-thе-countеr mеdication to hеlp, likе paracеtamol or ibuprofеn.
Are dental implants expensive?
The relative price of getting dental implants fitted depends on how many implants you require and your budget. However, we believe you’ll find London City Smiles’ range of pricing competitive and appropriate for the quality of treatment delivered. All-on-4 and All-on-6 packages can save you money for more extensive work when required.
How will I know if I need dental implants?
If you have a missing tooth, your implant dentist will likely suggest implants as the best course of action. Otherwise, book in for routine check-ups to see if there are any oral problems you didn’t know about. Or, if you are experiencing pain, find out what the root cause of this is and whether dental implants are the route forward.
For everything else on the matter or to contact one of the best dental implant locations in the capital, explore the London City Smiles website today.