
Machine Embroidery

The process of embroidery digitizing requires proper knowledge and skills to get the best results. Due to the advancement in technology, modern digitizing software are easy to operate. They are having all the essential tools to do machine embroidery. But still, there are some elements that are complex even for the experts during working. In addition to this, during the digitizing of simple art, there can be different possibilities. To get satisfactory results, every function should be assigned properly. You don’t need to hurry in getting the design out of the computer and into the embroidery machine. Remember that a simple mistake can lead to problems in production. Without any doubt, if you are looking for quality work without any problem, then you have to work with proper attention.

Planning to get embroidery digitizing service from the experts? You can get in touch with Absolute Digitizing to get high-quality work done at an affordable price range. The professionals will be using the right tools and techniques to complete the work maintaining high standards. In addition to this, you will get work on time without any delay.


There are pieces of software used to give final touches to the machine embroidery process. But remember all will take you to the same endpoint after following different paths. Some of the frequently used software for the process are Embrid, Wilcom, Pulse Digitizing, and Melco Design Shop. These pieces of software are good but everyone is having different settings. A novice digitizer will make a mistake when applying the setting because they are not having enough experience to conduct the work. Due to this, your entire design can be affected as they are not having a proper idea about their mistakes. When you are going to rectify the mistakes, then this will not help you to get satisfactory results. Every person even the experts have made mistakes when trying new software.

Keep one thing clear in your mind that errors are inevitable. Digitizing errors can be split into four categories. Lets’ have a look at them:

Improper Settings

Every software is having a setting panel when they can make changes to the design element during the machine embroidery process. The elements range from underlay setting to the top stitch density and everything that comes in between. Note down that applying a minor change to the settings can have a huge impact on the design quality. It is very important to ensure that settings are accurate.

Making changes in some of the settings for learning purpose is good but the experimentation should not be done on the client’ work. Only do the changes when you are completely aware of the end results. In addition to this, expert digitizers are always aware of the importance of delivering high-quality work to clients. The professional projects are not handed over to the trainees until the company finds them capable of handling the job.

Use of Tools in Wrong Way 

To get a better understanding of this point, let’s consider the underlying setting. The commercial-grade embroidery digitizing software comes with a built-in setting that allows to “auto-apply” underlay stitches. For your information, underlay comes in various types and each of them is having its own subset of settings.

Moving on, in the case of top density setting, one can input custom values for a common walk stitch underlay. Setting up the stitch count is similar in adjusting the density. The only difference is, smaller the number, the closer will be the needle points. Furthermore, in the case of density, it is opposite. When you are reducing the numbers in density, the needle points are pushed away. This will result in a reduction of stitch count.

Keep one thing clear in your mind that getting the underlay stitch point too close will lead to constant thread breakage during the production. This will also make the fabric clustered causing the needle to penetrate with force during the process of machine embroidery. Furthermore, the extra force required to penetrate can also break the needle as well.

These type of mistake will prove costly for the embroiderer. Such problems are present in the work of novices. So, you should hire an expert digitizers to get high-quality work.

Wrong Placement of Stitches 

You need to be expert when performing the embroidery digitizing. A minor mistake in the placement of stitches will ruin your design. If you are taking the wrong start, then your entire process will suffer. This will create a problem for both embroiderer and digitizer.

It should be clear now that embroidery digitizing is a real profession and there are no shortcuts. If you are looking to get rid of the bad experience, then you should hire the expert to avail the machine embroidery service. You might feel that cost is more but you don’t have to worry about the quality. The professionals will ensure that the task is done with great care providing error-free work.

Auto Tools Abuse

Auto tools are great. They save the time of digitizer but when you use it unnecessarily, then this will ruin the design. Remember that software is not able to analyze the complexities of design. This can mix up the dimension and when used without proper care, the output is not up to the mark. So using the auto tools during machine embroidery process is entirely up to the experts working on the design and select the best to complete the task.

If you look at the above picture, the cat on left is the work of automatic digitizing while cat on right is the work of a human. You can see a clear difference in the quality and decide if using autopilot is worth it or not. The novice digitizer that is not having perfect skills will use auto tools more. But remember that this is not a good practice.

Hope now you are aware of the problem that worker can experience during machine embroidery. If you are still looking for experts, then you should contact Absolute Digitizing to get satisfactory results. You can avail a wide range of services with an affordable price tag. Like you can get jpg to pes converted in extremely competitive prices

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