TV Shows

Mare of Easttown Episode 3 Reviews : Release Date And Cast!

Mare of Easttown is now available on OCS! For more information on Episode 3’s premiere, keep reading! Mare Of Easttown Episode 2 finally introduced us to Mare Sheehan’s fearless new partner, Detective Colin Zabela. A young county detective recruited Easttown County workers thanks to renewed interest in the Katie Bailey case.

Mare of Easttown is following in the footsteps of Delco hometown Detective Mare Sheehan, who peaked when she scored a big shot in a high school basketball game. Twenty-five years later, Miss Lady Hawk struggles to cope with everyday life. Her beloved son died young, leaving her in the care of a four-year-old grandson. Her ex-husband Frank lives behind her house, has remarried and faces the shameful accusation of the dead teenager Erin. At work, Mare cannot stand the shame that there are no clues to the disappearance of Katie Bailey, the daughter of one of her former high school classmates.

Colin enters Mare’s world unaware that this is an emotional minefield. Nevertheless, he wants to work with the senior detective in good faith. To find out all about the premiere of Mare of Easttown Episode 3, keep reading!


The premiere date for episode 3 of Mare of Easttown is set for May 3, 2021. On OCS in France! For the more impatient who want to know what time the series will be released. It was set for 10:00 PM. US local time on HBO! The premiere of Mare Of Easttown episode 3 will therefore be set for Sunday night in France!


Even though Colin has been assigned to this case, it looks like the two will form a powerful team. We could also learn more about Colin and his story. Therefore, in the third episode of Mare of Easttown, their investigation will continue and shocking new clues will be discovered, not least thanks to telephone records. Additionally, at the end of Episode 2, we’ll find out if Dylan is alive or if Kenny’s shots were completely fatal to him. Kenny’s fate after this incident would also be decided.

Is Frank the father of Erin’s baby instead of Dylan? That could be the million dollar question that Episode 3 will be targeting. If that’s true, how will Mare handle the truth about her ex-husband and the father of her children? Investigators can also investigate whether Katie’s disappearance is in any way related to Erin’s death. In any case, it’s clear that Mare has an arduous battle ahead of her.

We expect Episode 3 “Mare of Easttown” to continue to strike a balance between drama and mystery. As the investigation progresses, Mare’s personal life will also change.

Air date: May 2, 2021

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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