
Mistakes that Students Make When They Write Essay Paper

Students of all levels and specializations are given the essay assignment to practice their analytical and writing skills. Every one of them has created a bad essay at least once. And there is nothing horrible in it. Failure is also a helpful experience that you can learn from. But if you have the possibility to learn from others’ mistakes than cry over your own ones, then go for it. Still, if you are short of time or essay assignment is of lower priority than some of your urgent tasks, then get cheap research paper writing service to help you. The professional writers will supply you with a thesis, any other essay part, or a whole work on time. Learn about top common students’ mistakes in essay papers and practice more to avoid them at all costs.

No Planning

Many students tend to do quick research, generate an argument, and jump to spontaneous essay writing. Either done due to the lack of time or your laziness, it may end not well. You may start writing with one idea in your head and finalize with an entirely different tone and views. So that when you reread the final draft, you will see that some of your arguments and evidence don’t go along with your thesis. This means a lot of work to be redone.

Remember that you will waste much less time if you do some thorough planning beforehand. This way, you will have the entire picture of your essay in your head before you set to writing. And even if you need to make a long break, you won’t lose a thread since there will be an outline to follow and keep on logic writing.

Watery and Long Introduction

There is a tendency to start an essay with a claim of how scientists and researchers argue about your topic and how important it is, or with any other general statements. Quit it! It’s neither interesting nor valuable information.

Your professor or supposed reader will appreciate it better if you deliver a very short but specific background of your topic, include a hook to catch the attention, and a powerful thesis. It will all make around ten or fifteen percent of your paper, and that would be enough for the beginning.

Inappropriate Thesis

A thesis is one of the most important components of the essay. Maybe that is the reason for students often failing with it. There are two extreme points, the thesis is either too vague and doesn’t argue about anything or too pompous and argues about too much. Avoid both situations.

Make your thesis specific enough so that you can justify it within your word limit. But not just describe the situation on the surface. And care to have what to argue about. Otherwise, there will be no point in your thesis statement at all.

A Pile of Arguments

Some students think that a large number of arguments show that you have done decent research work and are almost experts on the topic. Instead, it may make your essay look crammed and poorly justified.

If you provide a long list of arguments, your required word volume won’t let you explain and prove every one of them adequately. Additionally, it will show that you cannot pick out more important information and let go of the general one.

A short essay will only need an argument or two with solid evidence and explanations of your point of view to justify your thesis statement.

Quotation Everywhere

Students frequently stuff their essays with too many quotes and references to prove the amount of research work they have done. But the only thing you will prove is that you don’t have your own opinion as to the topic and cannot analyze sources properly.

So, it will be better if you provide one reference of every new argument as evidence of your own ideas and opinions as to your thesis.

No References

In contrast, other students don’t use any references at all. This is considered a huge mistake since there are no proofs that any kind of research was done. Your arguments seem like a product of your fantasies, as well as any other facts and proofs you provide.

In order to justify the specific data or claim that you include in your essay, care to refer to a trustworthy academic source. And mind formatting your citations and references in the required style.

New Ideas in Conclusion

The conclusion is meant to summarize all the ideas and arguments you have provided so far and restate your thesis. Including anything new will be the worst conclusion mistake ever. You need to sum up your dwellings on the topic and display your strong position on it one more time.

No Proofreading and Editing

Nether lack of time, energy, or desire should prevent you from editing and proofreading the final draft. Check your essay for spelling, grammar, and style mistakes. Use relevant apps to help you. As to the general picture and content of the essay, it may sometimes not help you if you read your work immediately after you finish writing. It may still sound good to you. But if you let it rest for a couple of hours or overnight, it will be easier for you to spot any mistakes, inconsistency, or irrelevant information.

Get prepared properly when you are to write an essay. Care to avoid common mistakes, follow writing tips and strategies, and create a piece of academic writing you will feel proud of.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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