Musicians who have inspired the entertainment industry

The Muse
Musicians and artists often refer to their inspiration as coming from a muse or muses. Traditionally, the Muses are the Greek goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. They send divine inspiration to favored creators so that they might turn that inspiration into something worthy of their gifts. While there is much debate about what the muses were called, how many there were, and what they ensured, it’s a mythical fact that they are the inspiration behind all great art. It’s interesting how those who rely on the muses have turned into muses themselves.
Musical culture has a significant influence on the entertainment industry today. Think about a Kiss or Guns ‘n Roses slot game or a Broadway musical based on the works of one artist, or the show Tommy and Pam about Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson. Both the entertainment industry and the musicians in question make a lot of money from one inspiring the other. Let’s take a look at some well-known musicians who have inspired the entertainment industry in one way or another throughout their careers.
Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson is one of the most famous blues guitarists ever to have lived. While his talents alone are reason enough for him to have inspired the entertainment industry decades after his death, the story of how he supposedly got those talents has been told repeatedly in fiction, films, and TV series.
Before making his deal, Robert was a below-average musician, The crowds he played to found him to be nothing special, and the young Robert, who loved music with his life, took this to heart. One day, with no warning at all, young Robert simply vanished for about six months. When he returned, he and his guitar set fire to every blues joint they played in. The change in his skill was so radical that people began to wonder how it was even possible.
It was possible; the legend tells us because Robert Johnson met with the devil himself at a crossroads in the Mississippi Delta and asked the devil to take his soul in exchange for extraordinary talent. Robert returned triumphant, playing so well that people swore up and down they could hear two guitars playing simultaneously. Perhaps his infernal backup was keeping an eye on its prize. Robert Johnson died of unknown causes at the tender age of 27.
Johnson’s story may not be entirely accurate, but it’s undoubtedly an exciting enough one to have spawned many film, TV, and literary adaptations.
I would wager that there isn’t an English-speaking human being over the age of 12 on this planet who does not know the name Cher. The singer and actress has been performing for decades and has fans and influence all over the world. Cher’s key impact in the entertainment industry, other than her exceptional skills, is felt in the drag community.
Impersonations form a large part of many drag performances. If you ask any performer or fan who the most impersonated person in drag is, the answer will definitely be Cher. From her iconic cheekbones to her well-known catchphrases, Cher is an idol in the LGBTQ+ community, and rightly so. She is famous for her independence and her refusal to be what everyone else wants her to be. Cher is an icon whose influence will be felt long after she leaves us, which will hopefully not be for a long, long time to come.
Elvis Presley
While Elvis was hardly the first famous rock n roller (that honor goes to many of the incredible and still widely disregarded black performers who came before him and paved his way), he is one of the most well-known and iconic. Elvis Presley changed music forever. He brought raunchy rock n roll into the public domain in an age of repression. Every rock n roll musician that has come since has Elvis to thank for some aspect of the industry that they now exist in.
Elvis’s story has been told countless times in film, on Broadway, off-Broadway, in literature, and in song. His disappearance and death have brought about innumerable podcasts and conspiracy theories, and so many people imitate him that whole conferences are dedicated to the craft. The modern entertainment industry would not be what it is without the influence of Elvis Presley.
Wrap Up
The influence of these incredible musicians is felt now and will likely be felt forever. Who do you think has influenced the entertainment industry the most?